Don't You Wanna Go To Hawaii?

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"Hey Sasha?" Toni approached her good friend, adjusting the clothes she had put on for their night to hang out

"Yep?" Sasha turns to her, waiting for what she had to say

"I heard the place we were going to gives out discounts on a trip to engaged couples" Toni wiggles her brows

Sasha chuckles at what she had told her, "Well, we aren't married, and I have a feeling neither of us were planning on asking each other"

"Yeah, yeah, buuuut! We could pretend" Toni slaps her arm making Sasha jump a little bit

Sasha thinks for a moment as she thought through how the entire think would work out if she did agree to the somewhat bizarre idea

Toni notices her deep in thought and decided to interject, "c'mooon, don't you wanna go to Hawaiiiii?"

Sasha squints at her with a tiny smile at her ambition to go through with this

"Neither of us have a ring" She chuckles, looking at their bare hands with comfortably crossed arms

"I have one!" Toni hops, "It'll pass as an engagement ring" she points

"I mean.." Sasha moves her eyes around with a show of her teeth, starting to think for a minute again

"Sure, why not" She comes to a decision with a small chuckle, slapping her hands down on her thighs

"Ah, yeeesss! Yes, yes, yes!" Toni cheers, shaking her by her shoulders, "It's gonna be great I promise ya!" She turns and sprints away from her to dive on the bed

Sasha giggles at her reaction, turning around to look at her makeup before stopping, "hold on, wouldn't we have to like...kiss?"

Toni takes the ring she had out of one of her bags, tilting her head slightly, "well" she squints

To be fair, she didn't think this through too hard

But a small kiss wouldn't kill either of them now would it?

"a peck.." she raises a brow, "unless you really wanna sell it..?"

Sasha turns her head to her, "if we sell good, they might give us good seats on the way?" she makes a face, raising her brow at her

Toni slides off the bed, fiddling with the ring in her hand, "maaaybe?" She puts the ring in her pocket

"Maybe we're thinking too hard" Sasha chuckled, "we'll know when the time comes" She chuckled

"Exactly! Which is the reason we should go now!" Toni grabs ahold of her wrist, dragging her towards the hotel door

"Get ready for the adventure, professional scammer Toni and Sasha!"
"Gimme your hands!" Toni puts her hands on the table, making a grabby motion as Sasha chuckled, putting her hands up and holding onto them

"Ouu, they're soft!" Toni giggles, squeezing on her hands

"Thank you!" Sasha chuckles, "So, once they get back with the desert, you wanna strike?" The two had already gotten seated and ate their meals, speaking quietly so nobody could catch them in their tracks

"Yep! Are you ready to get proposed to at a lounge-y bar-esque vibey, Red Lobster-ish restaurant?" Toni snickers

"Hell yeah I am" Sasha giggles, putting a hand over her mouth to stifle it

"We can celebrate with shots!" Toni laughs softly, shaking her head slightly

"Oh, I think they're coming" Sasha moves her eyes to the side, spotting a waiter with what they had ordered from the other side of the room, walking towards their table, "act like you already started"

Toni nods with a small giggle as she thought of what to say, "and Mercedes, you've been one of the best things to ever happen to me"

Sasha tried hard not to laugh at the sudden act of her pretending, keeping a grin on her face to cover it up

"You've been apart of my life, and changed it for the better, and I couldn't be any happier" Toni goes on, spotting a few eyes on the two suddenly

Sasha feels her cheeks start to heat up as she squeezed on her hands, starting to fall into her role

"You've made me such a better woman, and I am so, so, so lucky to have you in my life"

She watches Toni scoot out the booth she sat in and stand up, moving her hands back as she let go

"I have an incredibly important question to ask you, that I've been wanting to ask you for very long now." Toni sinks down to her knee, taking the ring out her pocket and looking up at her

Sasha spotted the waiter stop, giving off some kind of signal behind them as she looked around to see a few phones come out, smiling at her more as she actually started to get flustered

"Y-yes, Toni?" She stuttered, totally not meaning to, but luckily it played off as real, probably cause it was

"Will you marry me?"

Sasha bursts into a fit of shy giggles as she moves her hand up to her mouth, bursting with a false happiness with a mix of major amusement, "oh my god!" She squeals before she nods her head, "yes!"

Toni grins and slides the ring on her finger, internally laughing as she heard cheers and clapping

She stood back up with a tight hug to her, "I love you"

"I love you too" Sasha giggles through her words as she squeezed her, pulling back to quickly cup her face, leaning towards her with a kiss

Toni felt a bit of shock, but immediately 'kissed' her back, she thinks she liked it

She didn't know that Sasha'd really go through with the kiss, let alone one that felt oddly real

Sasha pulled back with a real blush on her cheeks as she giggled, squeezing on her hand

"Ladies, congratulations to the both of you on your engagement!" A man who they assumed to be the manager walked over with two cards in his hand

"Thank you!" Toni beams, holding onto Sasha's waist with a tight grip, giving her a small shiver

"Would you like a discounted trip to Hawaii?"

They look at each other for a second with a look of 'holy shit it actually worked' and bright grins at the fact before answering


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