5 (Anna-grace) 5

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Your pov

A few weeks has gone by since the last time me and ag had sex I've been feeling a but off recently

I drove myself to the store...you're probably wondering where my mom is..well

My mom is a druggie she doesn't live with me, I've lived on my own since I was 10. She moved out without telling me and its been me and my dog, kota, he's the cutest

I picked up a few things and paying for them

I walked up to the cashier

The gave me an odd look when ringing up the pregnancy tests

"Do you have a problem?" I said, she shook her head and I rolled my eyes

I paid and went on about my day I went home

"Kota I'm here!" I said, watching him run from the living room

"Hi bb" I said petting him and kissing his head

He followed me upstairs into my room, I looked in the bag and grabbed the tests and went Into the bathroom

I took one, I washed my hands and walked out holding it

"Now we wait bub" I said talking to kota, I sat the test on my nightstand and left it for 10 minutes

After 10 minutes I grabbed it, I looked at it and showed no emotion

Kota barked then looked at me "I know bub, I know" I said back to him

I laid the test on my nightstand

I took a shower and got ready for bed

Next morning

I woke up to the sound of my alarm

I got up and took a shower and I got ready for school

I grabbed my things and I walked downstairs

"Bye Kota, I'll see you later!" I said closing the door and going to school

I was immediately greeted my bestfriend

"Hi beautiful, what's up?" She said "oh nun" I said

We talked I until we had to go to class

"Bye!" We both said and we went to class

Everyone sat down when the bell rung

ag walked in and smiled at me, I smiled back, I love this woman

"Ok class so...." she started saying but I drifted off...I'm gonna give her some bad or good news

"Y/n come up here and do this for me please" she said looking at me

Ag often taught me in class after school sometimes for extra credit, she might be my girl but she is still my teacher

I got up and did it, I looked over at ag who looked proud

"did I do it right?" I asked "yea. You'd did, not bad" she said I walked back to my seat but the bitch beside me stuck her foot out

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