"Min Jaehwan"

Mr Min turns to his back and a smile creeps onto his face. A creepy and threatening smile. Suho rolls his eyes to the back, feeling disgusted. This old fraud needs to be settled by tonight. He's holding the file filled with proves of Mr Min's crimes.

"Hello, Mr Kim. Let's have a seat first"

"I won't waste my time. Let them go"

"Give me the proves first"

"Let them go and I'll give you" Suho says, with a firm tone. He frowns, warning Eunji who's already behind Chorong and Namjoo, untying the rope on their hands. Eunji nods her head. Suho turns to look at Mr Min. The older man looks angry.

"Not until you give me those" he points at the file in Suho's grip. Suho smirks, still with his decision on not giving the file. "I don't want your men to witness all of these" Suho says and all of Mr Min's men leave the empty room. Mr Min grits his teeth, controlling his anger.

"Mr Kim, I think we can discuss in a proper manner. You know, since you're obviously younger than me, turns out that you're the same age as my daughter"

"Now, I don't want to waste time" Suho fixes his eyes on the girls. Mr Min turns to his back and sees Chorong and Namjoo are already standing properly with Eunji in the middle, smirking at him. Mr Min grits his teeth harder. "What are you doing, Kim Junmyeon?!" Mr Min shouts, taking his gun and pointing it at Suho. Suho chuckles darkly. This old fraud smells something dangerous here.

"Cool down. At least you're not injured, Mr Min. Here, take this" Suho says, handing over the file filled with proves. Eunji looks shock with Suho's action but Suho quickly turn to her and gives a signal that it's fake. Come on, the police are outside. "You can leave now" Mr Min says, feeling happy after he got the proves. Suho turns his heels and walks away with the girls, unwary with what coming next.

On the other side, Mr Min smirks. Suho's back facing him. He quickly grabs the gun and points it at Suho. He pulls the trigger slowly and.. "JUNMYEON!!!"

Hyorin jumps out of nowhere and the bullet hits her tummy. Suho turns to his back, looking shock. Mr Min is also shock. He didn't expect for Hyorin to come out from the room. Hyorin looks at Suho with teary eyes, holding the pain. Suho runs to her and catches her before she can completely fall on the ground. Mr Min looks panic as police start barging into his secret place. They cuff Mr Min's hands and drags him outside.

Eunji and Namjoo leave with Chanyeol, following them to the police station. Chorong kneels down behind Suho, can't believe the scene in front of her. Suho looks at Hyorin, shaking his head. Tears stream down from his eyelids rapidly. It doesn't have any intention to stop. Suho cover Hyorin's bleeding tummy with his palm, causing his palm to go red with blood. Hyorin forces a smile despite on being in a total pain.

"Jun.. Junmyeon ah.."

"Hyorin, no! Don't! Stay strong! Don't do this, Hyorin! You deserve a better life!"

"Goma..wo... Junmyeon ah.."

"What is that thank you for?! Don't thank me! No, don't do this, Hyorin. You need to stay alive!"

"Himdeureo.. appo..neomu appo.."

Hyorin's breath hitches as she realize she's not going to survive. Suho cries harder, he hugs Hyorin. Chorong, who's watching at the back, also break into tears. Hyorin saved Suho, she saved the guy who hates her all the time. She saved her ex boyfriend from her own father. But, she doesn't deserve to die.

"Hyorin, stay strong please. At least, for me. For your boyfriend, Joohyuk. He'll be sad, Hyorin"

Hyorin tries to force another sincere smile, but she's too weak. Her eyes are almost close, but she needs few minutes more to say everything. She shakes her head weakly. Suho holds onto her tightly, asking her to stay strong.

"Please.. tell Joohyuk... I really love him.. and.. I'm sorry.."

"You can say it yourself, Hyorin! Don't do this! Don't close your eyes! Wait a bit more, Hyorin! The ambulance is on the way! Please don't die!"

Hyorin's face starts to get paler. Even if she survived, she has lost so many blood and there'll be no use of her being alive. After all, she's tired of living. She's tired. She can't face the cruel world anymore. She looks at Suho with her almost closed eyes, forcing another weak smile from her pale and dry lips.

"Annyeong, Kim Junmyeon"


Hyorin falls from Suho's grip, lying down motionless on the floor. Her face is pale, her body looks so weak and the blood has stop flowing. Chorong runs to Suho and hugs him, calming her husband. Suho places his head on Chorong's shoulder, crying hard. He can't stop blaming himself for Hyorin's death.

"These are all my fault"

"No, Suho. Don't blame yourself. No one has a fault here"

"Hyorin died because of me.."

"She suffered a lot, honey. Maybe that's the best way for her to find happiness"

Suho cries harder and the ambulance arrive. They reach the hospital and unfortunately, the doctor tells them that Hyorin dies at the exact time in the house. They need to prepare for her memorial. Suho looks at the motionless Hyorin who's already being covered by the hospital blanket. Maybe Chorong's right, Hyorin's happiness lies on the other world.

I'm sorry, Min Hyorin.


42 is done!

Okay, I'm literally crying while writing this. Thanks to the character Min Hyorin who has been an important part of the story.

Min Hyorin, rest in peace (jk)

I know some of you hate Hyorin at first but I decide to twist the plot and makes it look like this. I hope all of you are okay with the sudden twist after 3 years.

Lastly, Love from Malaysia!😘💞

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