Chapter One

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*A.N.: Hi everyone! Welcome to my very first fanfiction on this sight, as well as my very first true AU ever! 

As stated in the summary, thank you so much to @yesoryesmv and @jasontoddisthebest on Tumblr for inspiring this piece! I never would have thought of this idea alone, and it was so much fun to write, so, seriously, THANK YOU. 

Also, it would be AWESOME if you felt like checking out my page on Archive of Our Own. My username is UnbeatableSquirrelGirl, and I typically update there before I do on here. So, if you really enjoy this story, be sure to subscribe to my AO3 account as well. 

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy, and, without further ado, let the story begin!*


Ahsoka gripped the co-pilot's seat anxiously, her mind racing.

What am I doing?


"We were both tools for greater powers." Maul's voice was calm, earnest even.

Ahsoka shook her head. "I'm here to bring you to justice."

Scowling, Maul rolled his eyes. "Justice is merely the construct of the current power base. A base, which, according to my calculations," he paused, his eyes shifting back and forth in their sockets, "is about to change."

"And Darth Sidious is behind it?" she questioned hesitantly.

Darting his eyes around the room, Maul replied, "He is behind everything. In the shadows, always. But soon, very soon..." he paused, drawing in breath, "He will reveal himself."

Her insides gripped with uneasiness, she urged, "With your help, the Jedi can stop Sidious before it's too late."

"Too late for what?" Maul snapped. "The Republic to fall?" He chuckled. "It already has, and you just can't see it!

"There is no justice, no law, no order, except for the one that will replace it! The time of the Jedi has passed. They cannot defeat Sidious." He paused, meeting her eyes. "But, together, you and I can."

Ahsoka caught her breath. He couldn't seriously be asking for her aid? For her partnership? She searched his face, desperate to find any sign of deceit, any reason to attack. But she found none.

"Every choice you have made..." he finished, "has led you to this moment."

She let his words sink in as she made her choice. Taking a deep breath, she replied firmly, "I will help you. But you must answer one question."

Maul's expression eased, relief flooding his features. "You have but to ask."

"What do you want with Anakin Skywalker?"

His eyes widening, Maul explained, "He is the key to everything."

Her brow furrowing, Ahsoka inquired, "To bring balance to the Force?" But, even as she spoke, some deep part of her sensed that the opposite was true.

Maul shook his head. "To destroy. He has long been groomed for his role, as my master's new apprentice."

"You lie." She spoke the words that she wanted to be true. That she needed to be true.

Maul shook his head solemnly, almost... apologetically? "I'm afraid not. In fact, I was so certain of his fate that I orchestrated this war to lure him here with Kenobi to kill him."

Ahsoka's heart sank. No...

"Thus, depriving Sidious of his prized pupil." The words sliced into her core, sharp and agonizing.

Ahsoka's ChoiceΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα