Chapter 68: Visions Or Nightmares

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(Written By: Mycupofteaplease Edited By: Suziemenro)

It was late one night after one of the busy days of training, the triplet dreams were filled with jumbled up visions.

Two familiar figures fought in the distance; red clashing on white creating a pink hue around the snow-covered forest. The figures fought gracefully and in time with one another as if it were a dance. The triplets watched the two figures intently as they attempted to move closer and hide behind the trees. Ani recognized the two figures almost instantly, she put her hand up over her mouth as tears ran down her face. "Mommy, Daddy?", she whispered as both Lucas and Hanz looked at the two figures in shock. "Rey, I love you, please come back to me. I was able to come back to you with your help. I know you can do the same for me." Their father begged as he fought their mother, he was trying his best not to harm her with his lightsaber while he attempted to talk some sense into their mother. He had tears running down his cheeks with an obvious look of pain covering his face. "How could I? You used me Ben. You betrayed me, Ben. You, you....Arghhhh" Rey screamed in anger. "I had no choice Rey," Ben said as the tears began to fall harder. "Your children didn't have a choice, you did and you chose to fall back into your old ways," Rey screamed as she hits her lightsaber harder and harder against his. Their father fell to one knee as he desperately tried to block her, "TRAITOR," their mother screamed. they felt anger rise within their father. The ground shook underneath them as it split in two. They both fought viciously, each knowing the other one's movements. The force felt as if it was screaming in agony as if it was tearing itself apart. If all hope gone, their father saw an opening. Their father plunges his lightsaber through their mother's chest. Their mother looked down in surprise and shock. Their father deactivated his saber and looked away, refusing to look at her face; he didn't want to see the pain he caused her. She forced him to look at her, however, as their mother's loving hand forced his gaze onto hers. They shared one last thought though the dyad bond. The next moment they watch as their mother as she falls into the abyss below. They screamed along with their father in denial about what he had just done. Ani hunched over and cried into her hands, Lucas came over and wrapped his arms around her. "LOOK!" Hanz yelled. Their father had ignited his lightsaber again, he looked over to where they were as if he knew they were there. "I'm sorry," He said, then he plunged the lightsaber into his chest and he too fell into the crumbling plant's core. The force screamed again in agony.

The scene changed to two men dueling with their lightsabers, this time one red and one green. They recognized the carbon freezing chamber on Cloud City from the trips and stories from their great uncle Lando. "Think about what you're doing to Mom and Dad, how you're hurting them. Please, Hanz, stop this." The man in white robes said. "Hanz is dead." The older Hanz said, as he slashing his lightsaber wildly around. "My Master was right. They only held me back, you were always training with those force ghosts, I was left with weak Ani. Mom and Dad always favored you more out of the both of use." The force screamed again, Light and Dark were trying to overpower one another, there was no balance in the force. The younger Hanz was violently shaking from shock at his possible future, Ani came over to her brother and hugged her brother, Lucas looked at his brother with sad eyes. "You know that's not a true bother." The older Lucas Pleated. "LIES!" The older Hanz said as he force pushed the older Lucas into the carbon freezing chamber.

The scene changed once more. They were in a field full of flowers by the palace of Naboo. At the end of the field is the great-grandmother's tomb, where they place flowers from the field at the entrance. Two figures were in the field, one in black robes, the other in gray. "Who do I have the pleasure of speaking with?" The woman in gray robes asked in a calm and sweet tone. "I'm your brother." The man in black robes hissed as he pulls down his hood to reveal his yellow golden eyes. The man was the older Hanz again and the woman was Ani the triplets realized. "Lier!" The older Ani yells. The older Hanz freezes her before she could grab her lightsaber. "Smart girl, well done." The older Hanz hisses again. "I will figure out who you are and your goal." The older Ani state. "I know you will, that's why I'm here". The older Ani breaks free from the force hold and ignites her orange lightsaber. "Ah, a fighter just like your mother. Too bad she was never strong enough either." The older Hanz states in a hiss. Before the older Ani has a chance to say or do anything, the older Hanz grabs her lightsaber and forces it in her stomach.

"You knew this day was coming!"

The scene changed for the last time, they were on an island, and before them stood their great uncle Luke. He turned around to them and pulled down his hood. "I'm sorry you had to see those young ones, especially you Hanz. You need to know and understand the future, the force needs to be maintained and bounce. If the force is not bounced and if one side becomes stronger than the other it will tear the Galaxy apart." Luke didn't want to scare his great-nephews but they had to understand the importance of the situation. "Is that what's going to happen, uncle Luke," Ani asks, her voice squeaky then normal, she had tears in her eyes as she held onto Hanz. All of them had tears in their eyes, they were all so scared. Luke bent down to her level, he knew it to be true but he felt they were scared enough. "No Ani, force visions are just suggestions," Luke said as he hugs her, the other two hug him as well, wanting some kind of comfort themselves. Luke felt terrible for the Solo triplets, they were only four years old and already their childhood had come to a close.

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