"But I'm taller by the way!", San said, slowly getting back to his usual persona. "You don't get to call me little."

"When you are a cute little idiot, I'm going to call you that, Sannie", Wooyoung answered and went back to putting on his shoes.

"And don't call me Sannie", San demanded and walked straight out the door, without waiting for Wooyoung to get his school bag.

"Why not?"

"Because I'm not cute."

This made Wooyoung laugh out loud. A squeal escaped his mouth as he was trying to hold it in.

──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────

Time went by in a flash for Wooyoung. The fact that he had to go to school, deal with the reparations for his apartment, had to work and go to practise every day made him wonder where the week had gone to, as he finished up his morning shift on Saturday. The good thing though was, that he'd gone used to his new kind of life pretty soon. The work schedule was okay-ish – it's not like he was happily jumping around, but he could manage. Living with San was more or less exciting. Wooyoung didn't think he'd been more often embarrassed in his life than this week but at least he'd get to see San every day. Practise was challenging like always and it didn't help at all that he was – one – already beat up from work – and two – his thoughts always kind of drifted when he saw San dancing. He had a hard time concentrating on his tasks but that was what he was willing to do.

The costs for the reparations however were a whole other deal. As it turned out the water had done much more damage, than he'd anticipated. Apparently, there was a crack in the wall behind his broken washing machine and water creeped down to the apartment below Wooyoung's and now it's starting to show as mold was beginning to form. Luckily, they would be able to take care of it in a professional manner, but Wooyoung would need to hold off from buying any new furniture for now. He'd have all hands full of work for dealing with these costs first.

But with all his worries pushed to the back of his head Wooyoung hurried to the company and changed his clothes. He wanted to get to practise as quickly as possible, to fix up some things with the others, before Yixing Sunbaenim's class would start.

The others were already in the middle of practise as Wooyoung entered and he put his bottle of water to the side to join them. After a few more tries they have reached a certain amount of synchronization and San stopped the music.

"Quick drinking pause. We'll start again in one minute." He ordered and everyone went to get his water as quickly as possible. The choreo was fucking exhausting. Everyone agreed to that. But it was also pretty badass and they all wondered, what Yixing would say about it.

They managed to practise for another two sets before Yixing entered and everyone stopped what they were doing. San turned off the music, so their teacher was able to say a few words to them.

"You've been working hard?", Yixing asked the class and everyone nodded, still out of breath. "Good." Yixing inspected his 7 pupils to see if they were ready. "I heard, that you had difficulties training together, is that correct?" Everyone went silent and heads turned to Wooyoung. "You weren't here in the evenings, Wooyoung?"

"Yes, I wasn't able to come here with everyone else", Wooyoung said.

"I'm not used to hearing that from you, Wooyoung." Yixing said with a stern face. "You know how important it is to work together if you want to pull off a satisfying stage."

"I know."

"Have you talked about this with your class mates?" Yixing asked. The others nodded. "And you are okay with him staying in this class?" Wooyoung's eyes went wide to this remark. "If Wooyoung isn't able to synchronize with you, the whole performance will be done for and no one will pass this task." Wooyoung looked down to the floor. He knew the risk his friends were taking with him not being able to come to practise. But he didn't think, that his teacher would propose for him leaving this class. It was all he'd worked for the past couple of years. To get here, in this class. And to show the teachers what he was able to accomplish so he'd get the chance to stand on stage.

And now ... because of a broken pipe he might lose that?

No one answered Yixing's question. The room went silent and it didn't feel like there were 8 people in it. Yixing continued to inspect their faces and stopped at San.

"You made the choreography, is that correct?"

"Yes", San answered.

"How is practise working out? With and without Wooyoung?"

"We work together pretty good. The others learn fast. And Wooyoung comes in after work to practise with me alone, when the others have already gone. He's working hard, even though he's not able to come here earlier."

Yixing looked at each one of them in silence again. It felt as if he was deciding whether or not it was worth looking at their dance or not.

He finally came to a conclusion. "Okay, I'll look at what you've got for me right now." He turned around to stand with the back right in front of the mirror.

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From this chapter on you can start to guess what kind of performance they are preparing. There is going to be more infos about the choreo and stuff.

Please leave your guesses in the comments (:

Under the Umbrella // A WooSan Story ✔जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें