Chap 1

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I was walking down the street from our office to the court where I had to plead a case when I saw an old friend of mkne from afar. Met her at lawschool.
She had issues.
I helped her.
We became friends.
She dropped off.
We lost contact.
And that was it.
I felt sad not being able to help her. Seeing her that day reminded me of my own issues...

Ever since I graduated from law school I felt the crushing responsiblity of doing well in life. I want to support myself financially but also have the possibilty to help people who need protection.

The woman im representing today has assaulted her husband.
Let's say he likes to hydrate himself..with beer.
As the result he wasn't the nicest husband to her and she had enough.
Now i'm here to plead in her favor for mitigating circumstances.
I really wanna help her... she feared for her life... . Although I don't encourage nor deny that it wasn't the right way to react..., We all know how it goes right ?

Abused women go to the police office and since they have no proofs of being abused they just go home and nothing happends.
No protection. Nothing happends.
Im determind to help and change mentalities.
I want the police to react so that I wont have to plead for women that have assaulted their ( now disliked) hubby.

Anyways... that got me thinking and now I just arrived at the court.

☆☆☆time goes by☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

Im going back to the office after pleading.

Everyday I come across a park..where the end started.

Sounds like an oxymoron right ?

Sometimes... things just end.. and often sooner that we would expect.
Sometimes for the better. Sometimes it leaves you an open wound.
Sometimes you feel like the wound will remain and never become a scar.
( meaning it will get better with time as they say).

That's how I feel everytime I pass by this park.

I keep remembering this sentence :

- " aNd GUeSS WhAt, He Is SiNgLe. YeS I sWeaR"

Or this sentence :

-" He is so handsome how could he be single ?"

Or that one :
- " oh he told me he is a free man".

All these were beautifully said by different chicks.

Anyways, I always have this pain in my chest that says :

I try to think that..
I broke up with him for the better. For my own hapiness. Which should be considered. But somehow.. i feel like I Can't move on.

Once someone like me connects with someone.. its really hard to move on I guess.

Okay guys first chapter I hope its okay !
I try to be relatable
hopefully some of you relate ?
I mean i hope you can all move on and be happy hahaha but have you ever felt that ?

Song recommandation for the mood :
Katie remember

BREAK UP / HAECHAN FF /Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora