Chapter 1 - Hot & Cold

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Deathly cold. I'm so cold. What's happening to me?

I opened my eyes, breathing out raggedly as my breaths come in short gasps. I can't move, i'm too cold. Yet, there is a flare and I'm heating up. It's too much, it's too warm, and it fades to icy coolness. Back and forth until I can't feel anymore. I can't hear anymore. I can't be anymore.

My eyes blearily blink open to see bright lights. I see others around me, but I can't really tell what's going on. I feel myself being moved, and I try to look around, but it hurts so badly.

I drift in and out of consciousness, unable to tell when in my confusion and shock. Sometimes I see people in my vision, they crowd over me and I close my eyes again, trying to block them out once more.

I feel a cold chill crawl up my spine ever so slowly and I start to fade, but then a memory burns in the back of my mind and slowly makes it's way to the forefront of my brain. It takes over and i'm experiencing it all over again, the same pain and anguish.


Running. I'm breathing heavily as I run down the streets.

"Come back here!" Someone yells after me.

"No!" I found myself screaming. I run faster, forcing my tired legs to move. Things whirl by in a blur.

"No one can save you!" Another voice laughs. I risk a glance behind my shoulder to see that they are catching up. I can't let them catch up. If I do... I felt sick and kept on running.

"Almost there." I mumbled out of breath as I continued to run. I could see the neighborhood in the distance, if I could just reach it.

I prepared myself and looked at the metal fence that was blocking me and my chances of freedom.

"One chance." I whispered. I leaped, and landed on the fence, my arms being able to grasp the top part of the tall fence. My feet found a foothold, and I struggled to get up and over.

I gasped when someone grasped onto my foot.

"No!" I grunted as I tried to shove them off, but their grip was firm and they tried to tug me down. I held onto the fence with all my strength.

"Someone help!" I screamed as I struggled desperately. They tugged at my foot again and my fingers slipped.

Landing on my back, the breath knocked out of me, I slowly start to get up. One of them grabs me by my hair, lifting me up and I feel anger and pain as I try to get free. I scream at him, "Let me go!" Struggling fiercely against his hold. I break free and climb up over the fence as fast as I can manage, kicking back at my attackers whenever they try to grab onto me again. I drop down on the other side of the fence and glance back to see they are also climbing the fence.

I break off into a sprint towards my house, when I see the neighborhood I run into it and make my way to the front door and burst into the house. My fingers numbly close the door and lock it, I sigh shakily and then call out, "Mom? Mom, where are you? I need to tell you something." "I'm over here." My mom calls out, a little too cheerfully.

Growing suspicious, I carefully make my way to the kitchen ever so cautiously. I peer around the edge, and without any thought, I fling myself into the open running forward to get to my mom's captor. A person catches me, grabbing me by the waist, and tugging me away. "Mom! What's going on?" I glance around. There's my dad as well as my older brother. They all have subdued looks along their faces. I catch my brother's gaze, but he merely shakes his head in defeat.

"Well, well, so you do have another member to your family? Lying is it? I can play games too." The man that had been holding my mother moves away from her, cocking his gun and laying it against my brother's head. Troye, my brother, closes his eyes, bracing himself. The others just merely look at him, in utter defeat.

Fallen (On Hold)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें