Chapter One/ Prologue: Beginning A New Life

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The sun peers over the peak of the prairie hills, its rays gently touch a cottage house neatly tucked in a small valley. Sparrow rests in the bed as the fractured light seeps through their thin reddish curtains making the room turn a soft pink. Their eyes flutter open and lay rest on the basket and outfit they had laid out in their closet the day before. Carefully, they flip the quilt off of them and stretch.

They start the day by getting dressed and heading down the stairs for breakfast. They pull out some eggs from the pantry and prepare them over the wooden stove. They butter some freshly baked bread and sit to eat at the small round table by the kitchen window.

As they eat they think about how nobody had ever pictured this to be the world post-apocalypse. After a comet hit central America, wiping out most of the country's population, they were one of the few survivors. Not too long later, a series of strange events attacked every known populated area on earth, cutting the world to pieces and leaving it a wreak.

After the initial recovery, they had wandered the countryside and found this cottage relatively unscathed, but fled and abandoned by the original homeowners. A small garden had laid in ruins with fruits and vegetables. An Apple orchard nearby stood as if nothing had ever happened and wheat and grain fields laid patterned like a quilt just within a short walking distance.

All in all, it was a good spot for them to lay down roots and start a new. They have everything they need to live off the land. Shelter, there was still running water through the taps, the clothes left behind miraculously fit them perfectly with enough room to grow into, and food.

So far life is pretty good and all they wanted it to be despite the drastic change in the world. And with that thought, they head out the door to do some gathering.

The sun is warm and the wind is cool in the early morning getting warmer and warmer as the day progresses Perfect spring weather for sure. By late afternoon they returned to the house and sat fanning themself for a few minutes before grabbing a glass of water and sorting out the flowers and combination of fruits and vegetables. While some soup was simmering on the stovetop for lunch, Sparrow tied bunches of lavender and hung them to dry out along with other bunches of daisies, sunflowers, and lilies. They replaced a few of the flowers in the vases around the house with the new ones they picked.

After lunch, they began on small household chores. A little bit of dusting, sweeping, and cleaning the dishes. After all that was done, they sit and partake in some of their favourite pastimes. Reading, singing, and drawing to name a few.  And so life goes on like this, day after day, each with its own gifts and rewards. Until...

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