Stop it-

What you thought he would actually like you? Look at you! 

Yama reached a hand up to his face. He could feel tears sprouting in his eyes.

Go on. Cry. It won't change anything. 

Shut up.

He thinks you annoying.

Shut up.


Shut up.

A 'waste of space.'

Shut up.

And worst of all


You know deep down


He will never love you-

"SHUT UP!" He roared clutching his head with one hand, pulling on his hair to try and make everything go away.

And then he was back in the gym, alone. He could feel warm tears spilling down his cheeks, drenching his freckles with pain.

"Tadashi?" Tsukki ran back over to him, reaching out towards the boy but Yama pulled away.

"Don't touch me!" 

The blocker stared at him, shocked.

The green haired boy looked around. Everyone had left the gym. 

He wiped his eyes and let out a shaky breath "N-no I'm sorry I didn't mean that."

He looked up at the blond next to him who sighed.

"C'mon" Tsukki wrapped him in his arms and Yama buried his head in the older boys chest.

"I'm sorry Kei," Yama whispered.

"There's nothing to be sorry about Tadashi."




"I love you." 



Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck




"I love you too," Tsukki whispered, gently kissing the top of Yama's forehead. He entwined the others fingers with his and Yamaguchi smiled softly.

Of course, the boys thought they meant this platonically. Or at least they thought the other meant it in a non-romantic-best-friend type of way. 

"Can I stay at your place tonight?" Yama asked, grabbing his stuff and sipping from his drink bottle. 

"What about your mum? Won't she be worried?"

"I've got a phone you know tall ass."

"Ooooohhhh. Who's the one throwing insults now Tadashi?"

"You never answered the question," Yama said sourly, pouting at Tsukki. 

The golden eyed boy smirked "Of course you can. Come on, we can go get some fries." 


"Yeah, we'll go to McDonald's."

The smaller of the two cheered, a sweet grin taking over his face as he ran over to the gym doors. 

Tsukki eyed the headphones laying in his bag. Ignoring them completely he found his spare pair of earphones. They didn't seem so crappy anymore. He passed one to Yama who took it gratefully and began to walk.


Tsukishima was laying on his bed, inspecting a small dinosaur figure. He ran a finger along it's rough, green, back as music pounded in his ears.

"Tsukki?" He heard someone call. He turned his head and threw the dinosaur at the figure in the doorway, tearing his headphones off his ears.

"Put some clothes on!" He yelled, fighting the urge to put a hand over his mouth. 

Yama rolled his eyes. Pretty confident move for someone who was standing in only their boxers.

"I'm not gonna put sweaty gym clothes on. Can I borrow something to wear?"

Tsukki's face was burning. He nodded quickly and then turned around so he was facing his bedroom wall.

Yes, he expected Yamaguchi to pick out a simple pair of clothes. He could have chose anything: some pyjama shorts, a comfy pair of track pants, a plain old t-shirt but no. 

When he turned back around all he was wearing was a hoodie. 

One of his-Tsukishima's hoodies. 

It was way too big for him and just reached his knees but the colour complimented his eyes perfectly and he looked so damn cute. 

"You look-"

"Like shit?"


Yama went red and switched off the light hastily.

Tsukki's bed was big enough for the both of them and neither could be bothered to find Yama a mattress so it was decided they would share it.

"Don't be such a simp" Yama muttered, crawling into the bed. Tsukishima laughed at the use of the word, shaking his head. 

Although there was enough room for them to both have their own space Yamaguchi didn't hesitate to wrap his whole body around Tsukki. 

The older boy put his arms around him as Yama tucked his legs around his torso. Let's be clear- this is not what your average friends do. 

Tsukki took his glasses off and placed them down gently, smiling to himself as Yama cuddled him.

"You know a simp is basically a person who gives a shit ton of attention to someone else because-"  

"Okay okay, be quiet mister know it all. I take it back," smirked Yama "That sounds like the opposite of you."

"Hey you didn't even let me get to the bad part, what do you mean that's not me!"

"What, do you have a girlfriend to annoyingly shower with affection or something?"

Tsukishima could feel his tiredness over powering him and didn't even realise when he said: "Why would I need a girlfriend when I have you?" 

With that he fell asleep.

Pride ||| Tsukishima x YamaguchiTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang