soulmates forever

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Katherine's point of view

you know what's annoying, having a handprint on your forehead! and yes I know its because when you first meet your soul mate that's where they touch you first but I can't help but think that my soul mates gonna slap me in the head or something! and I know what your thinking "if you don't like it that much just wear makeup over it!" well here's the thing I've tried that but it doesn't work because I'm a writer in new york city which get pretty hot in the summer when you don't have a working air conditioner in your office! so I guess we will have to see what happens when I do meet them and whether I can get this stupid thing off my forehead!  

jacks point of view  

having a handprint on your arm is NOT fun. especially when it's right on your wrist, it's like having a bracelet tattoo except its a hand! I don't even know who my soul mate might be with this kinda thing! like is it a police officer? is it a friend? who knows!

nobody's point of view

and then it happened.  jack was walking down the street when he heard someone screaming. he ran as fast as he could in the direction of the screaming and found a girl who was about his age getting mugged, once jack had scared the muggers off he ran to the girl who had blood spewing from her head so he covered it with his hand over the handprint and just as Katherine felt that she put her hand on his wrist when his handprint was, and they just exploded with colours! so jack took her home and once she was all patched up he said "so were soulmates huh?"  and Katherine said "yeah I guess so" 

and then it happened  

have fun with the cliffhanger, my dudes, anyway its like one am so I'm gonna go to bed nighttttttttttttt!

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Apr 27, 2020 ⏰

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