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🤍Luce arrives at sword and cross and sees a boy dressed in black being dragged by a police officer.🤍

"Hey new girl" the boy says smirking grabbing a lollipop pop on the desk unwrapping and slowly licking it savouring the taste

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

"Hey new girl" the boy says smirking grabbing a lollipop pop on the desk unwrapping and slowly licking it savouring the taste. "You don't belong here".

Candy was my guilty pleasure. Candy canes my favourite overly-sweet, hard and twisted.

"You think you know me" I reply in my arrogant triumph, i smirked - just a small pouting of the lips; a narrowing of the eyes and a tilting of the head. It was so subtle, it was even more infuriating for Cam who caught a glimpse of it after making the foolish mistake. "But you clearly belong here" I say pointing his cuffed hands.

The left side of his faint red lip tugged upwards creating a sinister smirk on his god like face; casting a spell of lust to eyes that dare look his way.

"I see you've got a bit of rebel in you" the bad boy says.

"No I'm just misunderstood" I reply brushing my fingers through my brown locks.

"You've got a spark" he says continuing to lick the strawberry lollipop.

"It means you're the type of person who rather do what's right than what you're told it means your trouble." He says moving closer towards my face.

"You think you know me huh" I say with curiosity glinting in my eyes.

"Just an observation" the boys in leather says.

After an awkward moment the corner of his mouth twitched into his cheek. It transformed him from someone cold into someone I wished I knew better. Just a smirk.

"And do you want to know my observation" I say exuding confidence walking closer to him my eyes locking into his.

The boy froze and flinched. He wasn't expecting my closeness.

"Enlighten me" he says sucking on the lollipop never looking away from me. His eyes penetrating through my soul.

"You're the type of person who will do anything, break anything, even if the repercussions are detrimental so you can get what you want" I say staring at him analysis his every feature.

"Am I right?" I say questioning him.

The boy holds a puzzled expression then falters into a smirk.

I gaze at him mesmerised.

Sweet. Baby. Jesus.

He must know that he was gorgeous.

That little rise in the corner of his mouth he was oblivious to combined with the cool detachment in his eyes sealed his fate. He was messing with me.

"I just know what I like" he says. "If the risk is worth the reward I don't see why not" he continues taking the lollypop out of his mother and shinning if through the sunlight creating a candy ruby.

I take the lollypop he was glancing at popping it into my mouth.

The boys smirk was replaced with curiosity his mind a surging perplexity.

"You shouldn't have done that" he says inching me towards the wall.

"If the risk is worth the reward I don't see why not" I say reiterating his words.

"So interesting" the boy says looking straight into my eyes

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

"So interesting" the boy says looking straight into my eyes.

"Your different. Feisty. Not like the last one. It's hot" he says pinning against the wall.

"Like that last one?" I question my eyebrows furrowed.

"Oh you know I like to play with girls" he says sounding like it was a conquest twirling a strand of my hair against his fingers.

He takes the lollipop out of my mouth and takes it back into his.

I laugh.

The boy gives a confused expression not expecting my response.

"Listen sweetie." I say poking my finger to his chest.

"I can make your life miserable. So I suggest you stay away from me" I say with a stern expression pushing him off.

The mocks a scared expression.

"Ooooo I'm so scared. But I like the challenge" he says smirking.

I take the lollipop back from his mouth breaking it into mine. Allowing it to disintegrate into hundreds of candy shards.

He looks at me with an amused expression. Our glances battling each other.

"I might break you" I say my lips grazing his ear my breath radiated on his skin.

He didn't flinch.

"It's cam" he says holding out his hands still chained.

"Sorry I was taught not to associate myself with criminals" I say grinning.

His face was one of barely concealed glee, there was triumph in those green moss eyes and his mouth twitched upwards on the left, dimpling his cheek.

He chuckled.

"What did mommy say about taking food from a stranger" his expression teasing.

"You basically kissed me" his finger pointing towards the finished lollipop.

He knew he got me.

Cam and Luce Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα