"I don't want to talk to him," she mutters and buries her face in her new fox. "I don't want to talk to you. I don't want any of this!"

"It isn't your fault," I rub her back. "Besides, you'll have to talk to him sooner or later."

"I'd rather it be later," she mumbles and I laugh.

I quickly look towards the door when I hear a bang. I sigh and stand up. I don't want myself knowing I'm here.

I kiss Haydie's forehead before walking somberly into the TARDIS.

That didn't go as expected.

I turn off the breaks as the TARDIS flies away so the other Doctor can't hear me. I land somewhere near the moon and I start to bang my head on the console.

"I can't keep doing this," I sigh. "I can't."

I know it's getting closer to the time when I have to say goodbye to her forever. Just a while ago I thought I was ready for it, but now I feel like I'm going to melt into a puddle of sadness and tears.

Maybe I can talk to her. God knows what I'll say, but I feel like it's right. I know I can't change the fact that she's going to die, but maybe I can foreshadow her future just a bit that it'll be easier on her. Or maybe I can pull a Rose and save her, not caring about the cost the universe will have to pay for it.

I bring the TARDIS back in flight so I can land her a block away from Haydie's apartment. I slowly walk out and take my time to reach the complex; a sad excuse to waste time, but at least it gives me thinking room.

I stop on the door labeled 3-J and take a deep breath. I open the door and immediately start to talk.

"Haydie, I've been thinking-" I stop when I see who's in the living room. Haydie and Doctor #1 stare at me with wide eyes. "Gah!" I choke out with whatever air I had left after I stopped breathing. I quickly walk out and slam the door behind me. I leaning against it while I think over what just happened.

Okay, so I remember that happening. It was right after Venice for her, right after the make out for me. Then we go on our date and I win her Matt the Dragon, but she doesn't bring it back home with her which makes me angry because I spent over $25 on that sack of fluff. Then I don't come back until a day later because I was too busy gathering the family for a picnic and I accidentally plugged in the wrong time. After that is tornado, Daleks, and then the end of everything.

I take a deep breath as it all crashes down in me. I have one more night with her, then we're done. She'll be gone, and I can either move on or get stuck in a pit of despair. Maybe I can beg Martha to come back or I could find my granddaughter, if she's even still alive.

Okay, one night. One night to make it happen. Here we go.

I hear his TARDIS leaving and I quickly rush down the stairs, eager to get to my own beauty. I stumble inside and almost faceplant into the trash. I really need to clean this up; there's no way Haydie is ever going to see this. I've been saying that a lot…

I fly the TARDIS with extra gusto, trying to get peppy so I can give Haydie the best night of her too short life. We'll probably just get pizza and watch a movie, but it'll be okay as long as she's with me and hopefully vice versa.

I land the TARDIS in the living room, not really caring if her parents are home or not. I wanted to land in her bedroom, but I remember that when I dropped off Haydie after our date that I landed in there. I don't really want to have to suffer another meet up with myself.

After making sure to see if the coast was clear, I walk out and sit on the couch. The flat kind of smells dusty and I wrinkle my nose. It smells nothing like Haydie.

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