We were walking back to the ship when you guess it jar jar run into some trouble but anakin stop it just in time as the creepy creatures that jar jar almost got killed by leaves anakin walks up to us " hi " he said to qui-gon " hello there" qui-gon says to him I look to him as he was already looking at me and we share a small smile." your friend was about to become orange goop" anakin tells us " me-se wants ns tha-se " jar jar says " none the less the boy is right your heading into trouble " qui-gon said " thank you my young friend " qui-gon says to anakin. He begins to walk with us as we are walking through town I was walking beside him he stops at a fruit stand " hi junie how are you today " anakin ask the old woman with concern " this heat is always hard on me Ani " she tells him " I'm still working on that cooling unit for you " he tells her she smiles at him " you have a good heart ani" she said I smile at the interactive " I'll take five of those junie " he tells the old woman she tells him the price he looks down shaking his head " ahh make that four I'm not that hungry anyway " he said and takes four he hands us all the fruit we thank him well they thank him while I look down holding my fruit he just gave to me " go on try it it's really good " anakin tells me I look at him and smile " only if you spit it with me " I tell him " no I got that for you " he goes to argue " but I don't feel right with you buying these and not getting to eat any ,here let's cut it in half and share it " I tell him as I take my small pocket knife and cut the fruit in half  he smiles when I hand him his piece and we both take a bite " mmmh this is really good " I say enjoying the sweet fruit " I told ya " he say smiling the wind picks up blowing sand " better get home quick ani storms coming " the old woman tells him anakin turns back to us " do you have shelter " he ask " yes our ship" qui-gin tells him " is it far" anakin ask " it's on the out skirts " I say " you'll never reach it in time sandstorms are very very dangerous come on you can stay at my place " anakin tells us as he takes my hand in his leading the way.

When we reach anakin house he interduse us to his mother who was very shock. Qui-gon tells her he offered us shelter till the storm was over she seem to be okay with that. Anakin pulls me to his room he wanted to show me his droid he has made.

" Isn't he great" Anakin ask me showing me 3po a droid he had build he was excited to show me " he's amazing " I say anakin smiles happy that he impressed me " after the storms over I'll show you my pod racer I'm building " he said I smile and nod we were at the table eating soup anakin mother made " all slaves have a transmitter place inside their body's no ones knows where they place in different locations in each slaves body " anakin mother told us " I'm been working on a detective device to find it but so far no luck " anakin said jar jar takes his tongue and snatches a fruit from the table getting on qui-gon nerves as he looks to jar jar annoyed " any attempt to escape and.." shmi started " and they blow you up" anakin said manikinng it " how wude" jar jar said " I can't believe there still salving the republic anti salve laws" padme said but shmi cuts her off " the republic doesn't work out here we must survive on our on " she said sadly we put our heads down anakin tries to change the conversation by bringing up pod racing. Later when he got cut from working on the pod racer qui-gon was bandaging him up and took a blood sample told him he was checking for infection but I knew he was sending it to Obi-Wan to check his midichroncic obiwan comes back saying they were over 20,000 thousand the same as mine. Tomorrow qui-gon will enter his pod in the pod racing qui-gon also wants to take ani back with us he believes he's the other chosen one from the prophecy like me.

"Do they all really have there own star system " anakin ask looking up at the sky " most of them do" I say it was just me and him out side looking up at the sky qui-gon had step in side to talk to Ani mom " has anyone ever been to them all" he ask " I don't think so" I say smiling at his excitement" someday I'm gonna be the first one to visit them all...with you by my side of coarse " anakin say to me smiling I blush shaking my head" I hope you get to ani I really do" I tell him something inside me tells me I shouldn't be letting myself get attache to him I'm going to be a Jedi it's against the code but I can't help it there's something about him I just can't put my finger on. " you know something else " ani said to me " what's that " I ask looking to him as he was looking at me intensely " I'm gonna marry you someday " he said I looked at him wide eye " why do you say that " I ask shock " I don't know I guess it's what I believe " he said with confidence I shake my head " your funny ani" I said giggle at his enthusiasm " I'm serious " he said

The next day Anakin won the race and his freedom and he was coming with us it was hard for him to leave his mother behind I felt bad for him,as we were on our way back we had gotten attack by some guy who nearly ran over anakin and I. He had a red head and face with black horns he had yellow eyes and a red lightsaber master qui-gon thinks he is a sith lord. When we arrive at Corascant Anakin was being tested by the Jedi council they agree that the force is strong in him but they think he's to old and won't let him become a Jedi but master qui-gon insists on training him to be a Jedi. The queen decides to go back to Naboo and fight we end up at the gun guns hide out we're queen almidla turns out actually is padme shocking about everyone except qui-gon , obiwan and I. I knew there was something off about her. she forges a alliance with the gun gun people. The sith lord returns and fights qui-gon and Obi-Wan while Anakin and I hide we hide in a starfighter and we ended blowing up the separatists droids army base control system to together then I felt with in the force that the sith had killed master qui-gin and Obi-Wan had successfully kill him.

We were now at Naboo in front of the palace with Queen Amidala and the senator Palpatine who is now the Chancellor and master Yoda and master windu and the rest of the council members and the gun guns to celebrate our victory Obi-Wan has become a Jedi Knight now and is fulfilling his promise to master qui-gon to take on Anakin to be his apprentice even though I was suppose to be his but master Yoda step in and said he would take me as his apprentice and I volunteered to teach Anakin with some of the basics lightsaber skills and teach him the Jedi history to help catch him up. Anakin and I became best friends and though I haven't told anyone I had a secret crush on him we soon had to go our own ways training with our masters but we promise to try and keep in touch before we parted I gave him a drawing I drew myself of him holding a lightsaber and he gave me a necklace he made himself that was made from Jupter metal it was to bring you good fortune. But what I didn't know was the next time we see each other would be in five years but and I had no idea what was in store for us then.

Love is forbidden (Anakin Skywalker love story)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum