Chapter 19 test, blood experiments and needles

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Chapter 19 test, blood experiments and needles


They toss her back there. She vomits because of lack of blood. “Kates are you okay.” I ask I touch her shoulder. She was very feverish. She touches my head I cradle her in my arms. She starts to sob. “Shh stop crying.” I say. “Sterling, are we going to get out of here.” She asks. I raise her chin. Tears came down her cheeks. I wipe them. “We’ll be okay trust me.” I say. She nods. The door opens. I put Kates behind me raising my wings up to threaten anybody who enters this room. I am ready to defend her to the end.

My father stares at me. I glare at him. “Come on both of you they want more blood test.” He says. We get up. I back away to the corner with Kates. It has been three days since we were first here. They have been doing all crazy things that you would see on a mad scientist’s movie. Two guards grab Kates and me. With a lot of effort, they led us into a room. Kates didn’t let go of my hand. We were chain together by handcuffs. She trembles. I couldn’t soothe her. I couldn’t say “we will be okay” because she would know it was a lie. I felt that I was a bad protector. I can’t even do it to myself. I look at Kates. She was looking down letting me lead her. “I had enough of being a slave.” She whispers.

Everything was a blur. She pulls me behind her. I fell something snap. The handcuffs she knocks every one of them. Like they were dominos hitting the ground. She hugs me. I guess she caught my smell. It was strange how she could smell me.  She sobs. “I’m sorry Sterling I must have scared you come on we have to get out of here.” She says. I grab her hand and squeeze it. We ran towards the corner.

Separatisteजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें