Chapter One

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Aldith pulled in a deep breath as she stood next to the King, watching the downs open. Her right hand rested on her sword. Her armour breastplate shone silver in the candlelight. A red coloured shirt lay underneath the armour with a collar around her neck. Her legs adorned by silver steel covering the outside of her thigh, they sat on top of a pair of black tight fit trousers. Plated boots covered her foot with a half-inch heel, they then made their way up to her knees at the front but halfway up her calf. Aldith reached behind to tighten her long luxurious brown hair that was held back in a ponytail. 

Aldith was the King's guard, handpicked from many candidates who fought in a set of championship games. She battled and won against an all-male group, showing the King her refined skills as a warrior. This year was her fifth year in the position, and this feast was in dedication to her win. The King had quickly grown to treasured her, as though she was one of his kin. And for five years, their relationship has only grown stronger.

When they walked into the large hall, it had tables lined up and down with noblemen and woman standing in front of their chairs, waiting for their arrival. The King and Aldith walked to the top table where they stood by their chairs. The King smiled briefly at Aldith before turning to address the crowd of nobles.

"As you are all aware, we are here to celebrate the anniversary of Aldith becoming the King's Knight." there was a brief cheer from the crowd before the King continued. "For five years, she has served me with such loyalty and dignity, that I am proud to have such a woman fulfil the position. So, here's to the King's Knight, Aldith!" The King declared as his raised a jug followed by the crowd cheering.

"Let the feast begin!" The king cried as the doors burst open, with servants carting in trays of food. The chatter amongst the people quickly rose high with laughter and cheers.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. Your words put me in too great a standing." Aldith spoke to the King, who sat to her left side.

"Nonsense my dear. If it weren't for you, I would have been dead long ago."

"You give me to much credit, " She muttered, and they began to eat their extravagant meal. Once the feeding was finished, the music started, and the dancers arrived. In tradition, the dancers wore brown corsets with a white undershirt, their skirts were white, and the hems gently brushed against the floor. Once the music began, the dancers spun on the spot and their dresses flung out. Hidden underneath was a multitude of colours that flew perfectly with every movement. The bright colours put smiles on everyone's faces.

The King laughed and clapped along with the sounds of the band playing and the dancers dancing. Aldith smiled with wonder and amusement. This Kingdom indeed was that of envy, they pride themselves in colour and happiness, and the dancer's outfits represent that perfectly. Soon the dancing finished, and everyone was ushered to another hall for dancing and drinking.

Many Nobleman and woman took the time to speak with Aldith, congratulating her on how well she has settled into the role. Women ask what it's like to be by the Kings side, while men spoke about swords and battles. While Aldith had no interest in any of these subjects, she just wanted to enjoy the night.

"Aldith, how are you finding the Feast?". The King asked as he appeared behind Aldith. With a soft nod, Aldith smiled to him.

"Of course, your highness." She muttered back to him,

"Good, I hope you are well for tomorrow. There is something I need you to do for me." The King whispered lowly. "I have written a letter for King Anudel, and I need you to deliver it safely to him as soon as possible."

"Yes, Your Highness. I will leave at first light tomorrow."

"I'm sorry to push this on you now; I know this celebration is in honour of you. But this is a matter of urgency." The King said in a saddened tone. 

"My duty is too you, Your Majesty. And my duty never takes a day off." Aldith said taking the last swing of her jug.

"I can always count on you." The king said just as the large double oak doors to the hall burst open. A guard came rushing in with a straight line to Aldith. The worried look on the guard's face seemed to trigger something in Aldith's mind, and she knew something was wrong. 

"Lady Aldith, King Dorgoth's armies have breached the outer wall. We can't hold them back." 

"Move everyone back to the inner gate, Place the archers on the lookouts and over the top gate. Station the soldiers behind the gate and barricade it with anything you can find." Aldith instructed the soldier, who nodded and ran away to carry out her orders. Just as the door shut behind him,  a deathly scream could be heard. The doors flung open, and the guard who had just left was tossed into the middle of the floor. 

"Oh, it's too late to defend the inner gate." A large build man grumbled, "It has already been taken."

"Dorgoth, You dare step foot in this palace!" Aldith yelled at him with anger. Dorgoth stood there with his Knights behind him. Dorgoth's black steel armour clung to his body, making him twice the size he was. His black hair had a white sheen in the dull candlelight. But his white eyes boar down into Aldith very soul, paired with the smirk that was rooted on his face.

"Your guards were no match for my army. They made it far too easy." Dorgoth smirked, "Kill them all." Dorgoth smirked as his Knights burst in the room from behind him. Aldith drew her sword as well as all the noblemen who were carrying swords. Aldith rushed forward before she brought her sword up to block an oncoming swing. She pushed the sword out to the side and sliced hers across the man's stomach, killing him. She then blocked an attack from her left, while kicking a man to the ground from her right. She broke through the man on her left's defence before running her blade through his stomach. She looked to Dorgoth and saw him holding a loaded bow. Her eyes followed the trail it was aiming to and saw the King. 

"Shit," She muttered to herself as she pushed her feet off the ground to run towards the King. Time seemed to slow down, and she ran to him. Every step could be heard as her metal shoes clashed against the stone flooring. "My Lord!" She yelled, trying to get his attention. She knew it was too late to move him, so she jumped and tried to put her body in the way of the now speeding arrow. 

She felt a sharp pain erupted through her left side before she hit the ground hard. The air was knocked from her lungs as she rolled onto her back, gasping for breath. Her head turned to the side to see the King, but what she saw brought all her senses back. The arrow that she tried to take was lodged in the Kings chest. He stumbled back weakly before falling to his knees. Aldith stood up and rushed over to him, forgetting about the pain in her side. She held the King as he fell to the ground so she could soften the fall. 

"We have to get you out of here, come on," Aldith said, but the King stopped her attempts at trying to get him to stand.

"It's too late for me." The King said as he reached into his inner pocket and pulled out a piece of parchment paper rolled up and held together with a red ribbon. He put it to her chest and looked Aldith in the eyes. "You must get this letter to King Anudel. Take this." He said as he also pulled off his ring. "Take back this Kingdom, take the throne."

"My King, I could never," Aldith spoke with tears in her eyes.

"You must! I have no official Heir, so I entrust you with the keep of the Kingdom. I know you will rule with a just hand." The King said as he began to push her away. "Now go, that letter is of the utmost importance. This command is my final to you as your King." A tear fell down Aldith's cheek as she shook her head. "But as a friend, take care." The King said before taking his last breath. Aldith wiped away her escaped tear before standing up. She had to get to King Anudel. She had to get to the north. She had to carry out her King's last order.

To Reclaim The Crownजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें