Chorong slaps his hand playfully. "Sir, this is so inappropriate. Your wife will be angry if she knew about this" Chorong says. Look who's talking here. Suho chuckles.

"No worries. It's a secret between us. After all, your husband doesn't know about this" Suho says and at last, there's a humor in his words.

"Oh no, sir. I need to be with my husband" Chorong says, as if she was shock when the fact is she is literally joking to torture Suho.

"I thought I'm more handsome than your husband?" he smirks. Chorong chuckles softly. Wow, he got a very great self love. Chorong kisses his cheeks.

"No, my husband's better. But, I don't mind choosing you because you're rich, sir" Chorong smirks playfully. Suho pinches her cheek softly.

"Stop torturing me, wife" he says and pouts. Chorong chuckles as she stand up and takes her handbag. She sits on the sofa. "Do you have meeting after this?" she asks.

"Nope. Free time, recheck these documents" he replies as he wear his glasses and focuses to the documents. Chorong remains silent, don't have any intention to disturb her husband. She thinks of Bomi. That gorilla. She doesn't even tell her about their anniversary. She looks at Suho. "Honey" she calls him.

"Did Baekhyun tell you about his wedding anniversary?" She asks as Suho look at her. Suho shakes his head, frowning.

"Today. The same day of Baekmi's birthday" Chorong adds.

"That dumbass. No wonder he took a leave. He really wanna hangout with Bomi" Suho sighs. Chorong stands up and walks to Suho's desk. Suho smiles.

"Let's go shopping" Chorong gives Suho her puppy eyes. Suho laughs before kissing her cheeks. They walk out from the office and head to the nearest shopping mall by Suho's Audi TT.

As Chorong busies herself with choosing present for Bomi and Baekhyun, Suho just observe her from outside as he need to answer calls from his clients. Well, that's CEO Kim Junmyeon. He's the epitome of a husband and father filled with indiscretion, but he is incontrovertibly responsible.

He's a liberosis, too.

"Suho? I thought of buying Bomi a dress. Can you ask Baekhyun for her size?" Chorong says as she walk out from the boutique. Suho nods as he texts Baekhyun.

"He refused to give me her size because he didn't believe me. That fool. I'm not going to take his wife away" Suho says, frowning. Chorong just smile before continuing her shopping journey.

Suho waits with patience as he play with his phone. Suddenly, Chorong taps on his shoulder. "Let's go and buy something for Baekhyun right now" she says.

Suho nods as he follow his wife to a gaming store. Well, everyone knows about Baekhyun being a PUBG Pro. No one understands how can he work and at the same time being a pro gamer. Chorong looks for new gaming headphones that Baekhyun would probably like. She looks at Suho. "Will you stop on your phone already?" she nags.

"Arasseo. By the way, where's Haneul?" Suho asks. 

"He's with Mrs Han, playing with Baekmi at the Byun's manor" Chorong replies as she check the gaming headphones on display. Chorong turns to look at Suho. He stopped already.

"How about this?" Chorong asks. She takes the cat ears' headphones and shows it too Suho. Suho nods and asks if she wanna buy anything else but she just refuse so they decided to pay for it. After that, both of them grab coffees at Starbucks. As Chorong busy playing with her phone, suddenly a message appears. An unknown number.

<I saw your son at Baekhyun's house. He is so handsome like his daddy, right? Stop fooling yourself, will you? I told you Suho is mine. Why is it so hard for you to leave him? Do you think because you are Mrs Kim right now you can be happy with your title? You poor bitch. You're such a slut, gold digger and a whore. Suho will never be yours because he is mine. He married you because he wanna prove me and himself that he actually moved on but no. He never moved on. Leave him before he left you heartbroken, Chorong. Leave him or I will take your son away. I told you I can kill you and everyone you love if you try to meddle with me and Suho. I can even kill Suho if you're still stubborn. No one can get him if I can't. Remember that, Chorong. Leave Suho or I will kill your baby Haneul>

Chorong puts her phone in her bag before drinking the Americano in anxiety. Who's the one doing this? It can't be Hyorin. She went to Chicago after graduation right? She's not in Korea and this number is different from the number who blackmailed her last year. "Love, are you okay?"

Chorong is snap back to reality as Suho hold her hand and caresses her wedding ring. Chorong nods her head with heavy feelings. "Haneul is going to be safe right?" Chorong mutters under her breathe. Suho looks up.

"What's it?" he asks.

Chorong seems startle. "No, urm.. let's go to the couple's house now. They got a big event tonight" Chorong says as they walk out from the cafe. Suho is sure he heard something else but he just let it slip away because he doesn't want to bother Chorong.

Haneul is going to be safe right?

Why? Is there someone bothering Chorong? He heard that coming from her mouth before she drag him out. Is it related to what she just saw on her phone? The question keeps playing in his head. What's wrong with Haneul? What happened to Haneul?

Haneul is going to be safe right?

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