While Jaune looks pleased with his answer, the class laughs at him and Oobleck *back at the front of the class* sips his coffee. Pyrrha sighs and facepalms as Cardin pounds his fist on his desk while snorting.

Oobleck: *zooming back behind his desk* "Very funny, Mr. Arc! Cardin! Perhaps you would care to share your thoughts on the subject!"

Cardin: "Well, I know it's a lot easier to train an animal than a soldier."

(Y/N): "Guess that shows how much lower you are than animals."

The students laugh, apart from a few, while Oobleck turns around to hide a small smirk. Cardin stands up furiously.

Cardin: "You wanna go punk!?!"

Pyrrha: "You're not the most open-minded of individuals, are you, Cardin?"

Cardin: "What? You got a problem?"

Pyrrha: "No, I have the answer! It's night vision. Many Faunus are known to have nearly-perfect sight in the dark." *Cardin growls at the correct response*

Blake: "General Lagune was inexperienced, and made the mistake of trying to ambush the Faunus in their sleep. His massive army was outmatched, and the general was captured." *turns to Cardin* "Perhaps if he'd paid attention in class, he wouldn't have been remembered as such a failure."

Cardin then went to march towards Blake, his fists clenched.

Oobleck: "Mr. Winchester! Please take your seat."

Cardin grumpily sits down while glaring at (Y/N), Pyrrha and Blake. Jaune laughs at Cardin's embarrassment, which is noticed by Oobleck.

Oobleck: "You and Mr. Arc can both see me after class for additional readings." *takes yet another sip of his coffee*

Jaune: *shoulders slumping* "Oohhhh..."

Oobleck: *zooming away* "Now! Moving on!"


After class was recess and all the students were doing what students in recess do, chatting with their friends, if they have any or just sitting alone and eating. (Y/N) was sitting with Team RWBY and JNPR, while Jaune was looking down and being absent-minded while Nora was telling a story with Ren correcting her.

Nora: "So! There we were, in the middle of the night..."

Ren: "It was day."

Nora: *to Blake, paying no attention as she is lost in her book, and Yang, who is hanging on her every word with her hands cupping her face* "We were surrounded by Ursai..."

Ren: *holding a coffee cup* "They were Beowolves."

Nora: "Dozens of them!" *she screams this as she stands at the table of both Team RWBY and JNPR, where Weiss is ignoring Nora and filing her nails, Ruby and Pyrrha are listening politely, and Jaune is messing with his food*

Ren: "Two of 'em."

Nora: *while Ruby and Pyrrha now look at a distant Jaune with concern* "But they were no match... And in the end, Ren and I took them down and made a boatload of Lien selling Ursa skin rugs!"

Ren: *sighs* "She's been having this recurring dream for nearly a month now."

(Y/N): "A very. . . sane dream, I say."

Nora: *zooms to (Y/N)* "You understand!!!" *cups his hands in hers* "Let us go, my brother! And venture the lands, breaking every leg we can find!!"

The Dragon of The Demons (RWBY x Male Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon