Chapter 1

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You had been invited to stay with them for a month as there was parties and other occasions for you all to attend.
You were getting off the plane.
Cam, Fitz, had said to look across from your gate as him, Racc, swagger, Toby and smii7y were going to be there. You were meeting kryoz later as he was at the house with a few others helping out.
You walk, your head down looking at your phone to see if they were still there.

'Outside your gate' - Fitz 2 minutes ago.
You look up and see them all lounging in the chairs, talking amongst each other.
Then you see kryoz stood grinning at you.
You felt your face light up and a grin spread across your face.
Everyone grins as you run and jump into his arms. He spins you a couple times, holding you close.
"I missed you" he mumbles into your neck.
"I didn't know you would be here" you say into his chest.
He puts you down, intertwining his fingers in yours.
A tear goes Down his cheek, your eyes well up. You reach up on your tiptoes to wipe it off with your finger.
"Love birds" swagger grumbles.
The others chuckle, making jokes about you guys as you stand looking at each other.
"We haven't seen each other in a few months, you jerks" john says smiling.
"Right before John eats y/n's face off can we leave?" swagger says. The guys chuckle, John shakes his head and smiles.
"That's a push" cam says, smiling.
"It was in his eyes" swagger mumbles. 
You all laugh as you walk towards the exit.

my one and only // Kryoz x reader Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora