The Calling!?

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Author POV

Class had just started at class 1A. Bakugo was shouting at Deku. Deku was cowering in the corner. Iida was scolding Bakugo. Yeah, just the norm a UA high! "Alright class, settle down, settle down" Aizawa was now standing at the front of the classroom in his favorite yellow sleeping bag. Everyone looked at their teacher before finding their seats.

Half way through class, Deku felt a burning sensation on his right bicep. He winced slightly before realization hit him. He held his arm tightly while he thought of a solution. You see, Deku is not actually a very good person... He secretly works with the league if villains! The league came up with an idea from one of their favorite shounen anime's. They all put a blue tattoo of their favorite animals on their biceps. Whenever one of the league members was needed, they would feel a burning sensation coming from their animal tattoo's. And this was what was happening to Deku at the moment. He was, for some reason, needed at the league, his bicep was burning, he was stuck in class, and he had no way of getting out! Deku slowly looked around to see if anyone had noticed he was wincing. He breathed a heavy sigh as he couldn't find anyone that had noticed. Slowly, he raised his hand.

Aizawa was boredly explaining the lesson to his students when he saw Midoriya's hand raised. He raised his eyebrow a bit,"Yes Midoriya?" The whole class looked at him. Aizawa found Midoriya's behaviour a little strange, he normally doesn't interupt class like this... "May I use the restroom?" Aizawa sighed before pointing towards the door and nodding. Midoriya quickly stood up and ran to the bathroom, trying really hard not to hold his arm in pain.

Bakugo had watched the whole interaction in shock, he had seen how Deku had held his arm in pain. He could see how he winced at the very beginning but tried not to show it. Deku was definitely acting strange and he wanted to figure out why. Bakugo raised his hand and got the same delayed reaction from Aizawa that Deku did. He quickly asked if he could use the restroom as well. After getting a yes, He jumped to his feet and ran after Deku. Little did Bakugo know, he left a giggling Minetta in the room and a very confused BakuSquad.

Deku winced as he ripped the sleeve of his jacket off and stared at the glowing wolf tattooed on his bicep. He didn't even care anymore, all he wanted to do was get this burning to stop. He grabbed his phone from his back pocket and began dialing a number he knew all too well. In the corner, Bakugo was watching this all go down. Why in the world did Deku have a tattoo? Why was it glowing? And why did it leave him in pain? Bakugo's thoughts were interupted when he heard Deku shouting. Btw, Bakugo can't here Shigaraki's side of the call, ok back to the story! "Why the heck did you summon me during class?" Deku yelled through the phone. "We need you at the league right now! Toga's flipping out!" Shigaraki answered. "Crap" Deku muttered under his breath before darting through the window, heading towards the league. Bakugo sat in the corner of the bathroom, feeling very confused at what he had just seen? He had never seen Deku so mad before, not to mention he jumped out of the window! Bakugo didn't know what the HECK was going on, but he swore to himself he would never say a word about it to anyone.

Deku ran and ran, not even caring to look behind him. All he cared about at the moment, was getting to league. He turned a corner and saw the bar down the street. Opening the door he rushed in to see Toga on top of Dabi, trying to cut him. Something about this interaction made Deku feel kind of sad. He knows that Toga cuts people for affection, but when she goes on the crazes, she cuts anyone she sees. Toga looked up and saw Deku, she knew what was going through head so she got off of Dabi, calming down. Slowly approaching Deku, she looked him in the eyes and smiled. "Welcome back Izuku!" She wanted to hug him so bad, but didn't know wether she could or not. All of her prayers answered when Deku slowly snaked his arms around Toga, bringing her into a hug. Toga smiled against his chest.

"FINALLY!" Both Deku and Toga looked up from their hug to see Kuroguri crying waterfalls. She cut my face!!!! You see, when Kuroguri turns off his quirk, he looks like a normal man. Toga, Deku, and Dabi all began laughing their butts off at Kuroguri's nonsense. All the laughter stopped when Shigaraki walked in. Something about him seems to dense the mood. He looked around to make sure Toga was back to normal before sighing. He fell to his knees, his hair covering his face. When Shigaraki looked up, everyone was shocked to see waterfalls pouring from his musty, crusty eyes. "I thought I was gonna die!" Everyone sweat dropped at his antics.

Deku smiled at his "family" and looked down to see Toga smiling back up at him. He gently kissed her forehead before she told him to go change. Toga liked his little "hero school uniform" but she had to admit. He looked way hotter in his villain costume. When Deku walked out, he was dressing in a jacketless suit that was stained red in some spots. He had a tool belt that was filled with different shapes and sizes of knives. He smiled at the league, "Deku" He looked at Toga, "The contacts" He had completely forgot he quickly turned around and took something out of his eyes. When he turned back around, his eyes were no longer emerald green, but blood red. "Much better" Dabi and Toga said at the same time. Toga smiled maniacally at the scarred villain before throwing a knife at him. It scraped his head and got lodged in the wall next to his head. Dabi sighed thinking she purposefully did that. "Aww, I missed!" Toga whined. Deku smiled, knowing there was NO WAY he could've had a better life!

Hey guys! Thankyou so much for reading my chapter! I'm sorry it's so short! I'll make it longer next time! ~AuthorChan

Hidden Secrets(rewrite)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora