chapter 21

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Why aren't they attacking us?

" Because am part of the group well was but I guess they forgot to alter the Monokumas code to attack me" he just laughed. If this man is really my farther that he claims to be wount he at least try to hide me from the Monokumas.

"Kokichi that's not me!"

Huh? I turned around and saw.... Nagito? But he's infront of me.... Unless this really isn't my farther. I looked up at him and saw v and 3 in the imposters eyes. " Fucking bastered" they picked me up and started to run away with me.

But the all of a sudden a building started to colabs. The imposters continued to run as the building collided with the floor. It was clothes but we didn't get hurt. But now can't see the real Nagito.... Is he dead.

"Glad he's out the way" wait I recognize that voice....

"Tsumugi is that you?"  I asked the fake Nagito to.

"Why yes I am I do a great impression of your farther don't I " she just smiled at me. This bitch kill my farther and now she is happy about it.

"Let me go now!"

"Or what you will get you non existent freinds on me? That's really cute but we have to go to Junko she is waiting for you after all you are her nephew" Tsumugi said continuing to walk down the ruins of the city.

Wait, junkos my auntie?

let me be drv3 post game AU (Kokichi Multiple Ships)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें