"Well actually it was pretty cute, and I am sure it is going to be in the bloopers for season 4 when they air" I began causing the audience to laugh 

"Bloopers" Dylan frowned

"Okay, but basically we were shooting a really romantic scene in season 4, the one were Stiles and Sam (Your characters name) where about to get it on but Scott interrupts, but just before Dylan lays me down on the bed, he is meant to climb onto of me, just I am laying there and he just disappears, I thought that it was part of the script, I sit up and before I say anything, Dylan is there on one knee with a box with a ring in it" I smiled as I showed everyone my engagement ring.

"Look, it was really romantic until she tackled me to the floor" he laughed once agin causing everyone to laugh

"I was excited okay" I smiled

Things were going really well and I actually felt really confident for once.

That was until, the audience questions began 

"Hi" a girl stood up

Something was recognisable about her but I couldn't think what

"Who is your question for?" The host asked

"Well, first Jeff, then Dylan' O'Brien but also Y/N" she smiled

We both looked at her

"I was just wondering about how you are going to write in all the scars that y/n has into her character?" she asked

This caught me off guard and I began to sweat

"I dont think that is an appropriate question" Jeff said not answering

"Okay, Dylan, does it make you worry that you are about to marry into a girl who cuts and hurts herself because she is so insecure make you regret breaking it off with Britt?" She asked

"I dont know who you are but you better leave" Dylan said firmly while standing up

"Or how about you Tyler, you annoyed that you found your sister alive and not dead?" She asked

"Who was this girl?

"Security, remove this girl before I take her out myself" Tyler yelled

"Or how about you Y/N, remember me, you were the girl in my class, sitting at the back, remember how I told you how you would never be loved, how you should kill yourself, why didn't you listen to me anyway because if ask me, this show was ruined the moment you put your face on TV" she said as security dragged her away 

"Whisky" I yelled as I ran off stay

That was mine and Tylers code word for panic attack, it made sense because after a panic attack that I could handle I would have a glass of whiskey after.

I ran to the back, ignoring everyone calling after me.

I cried so hard my vision became blurry, I ran to my changing room and locked myself in.

I ran to the bathroom and looked at myself.

I was finally feeling better.

I finally felt love.

But it all vanished in front of me the moment I saw my school bully, I knew I recognised her.

I shut the bathroom door as I knew it gave me a little more time as the boys could easily break down the doors.

I grabbed a razor that was in the cupboard behind the mirror.

I looked at myself hard, and I realised I didn't even recognise myself.

Dylan O'Brien Imaginesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن