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(I don't own Resident Evil)

"Found him yet?" the voice of their superiors asked over their comms.

"Not yet sir," Salem, a short, dark brown haired man who looked about 28 answered. His yellow eyes glowed in the darkness, reflecting the light.

"The fish is checking it out," Raven, a black haired, green eyed girl responded over the comm. She ruffled her black feathered wings in annoyance.

Basically everybody in A-omegas team had supposedly died as the result of expiraments.

"Yo kitty-cat!" Raven called to Salem, "see anything?"

Salem scowled at the nickname, "I'll tell you if I do, and I'm not a cat!" he retorted as he looked over the dark, softly rippling water.

"Sorry, jaguar!" Raven replied.

Salem rolled his eyes. She was never going to get it right anyways.

'The fish,' a boy with short, silver hair and sea green eyes who's actually called Sammy and was probably about 20, the youngest on the team, sprung onto the fishing boat. Looking like a merman, his chameleon scales shifted, and he went invisible for a second until his tail changed into legs and his scales smoothed into skin.

Raven blocked her view of the boy with her angel wings wing-spand until he'd pulled on some clothes. Since Sammy had forgotten his clothes, which were enhanced to change with him from man to merman and vice versa, he'd abdolutely lost his clothes when he changed. Which kind of disgusted Raven.

"Natta nothing," Sammy told them, a towel wrapped around his lower half.

Raven huffed, feeling pretty useless since she lacked gills and/or night vision. All she had was wings, and her eyes arn't suited to the darkness.

Of the three of them, only Salem still wore his old uniform. It was stained with patches of blood here and there, proof of the torture the trio's captors put them through before the expiraments started. Prisoners of war, if you knew their names, including Raven's real name, their files would classify them as deceased.

"What if the dude's actually dead, what then?" Raven asked, kicking her legs in the water like a small, impatient child.

"Try to be optimistic, team," the vouce of Cobra, their fanged, frilled captain responded. He'd been trapped in the office with paperwork, and hadn't come on the mission.

"If he is alive , somehow. Why's he joining us? What if he goes zombie or something?" Sammy questioned, uneasy, "I mean, our team's never had a newcomer before."

Salem paused as he noticed a humanoid shape in the water, "Captain, we've found him."

The D.S.W; Dead Soldiers Walking(A Resident Evil fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon