Chapter Two: Show You The Ropes

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The hallway was quiet, as most kids were already downstairs in the cafeteria having breakfast. Walking across the red, carpeted floor to greet us were two girls.

The tallest, purple haired and eyed girl was named Yuri. She was your typical shy bookworm introvert type.

The shorter, stubborn pinkette is Natsuki; classically known as blowing her top in anger, but when you've grown up with her like we have, you know when she's really trying to care.

"Good morning!" Sayori exclaimed, waving both of them over.

"'Sup?" Greeted Natsuki, one hand over school bag.

Yuri smiled softly in greeting before her eyes landed on me. Oh great.

"Good morning, you two!" I try my best to sound like I have the energy that I don't have. I don't think it's convincing Yuri though.

Natsuki's magenta eyes land on me for a swift moment, scanning me before crossing her arms. "Say it."

I blink in confusion. "Say what?"

"Monika, don't play crap with us." Natsuki warned. "What happened? You look like death."

Yuri rested a hand easily on Natsuki's shoulder. "Uhm, m-maybe that was too much?"

"Well geez, good morning to you too." I grumble, half annoyed.

But I don't stay that way when Sayori's eyes meet mine, a worried gaze in them. I sigh in defeat; I shouldn't hide this from them anyways.

"Yeah.. I had this weird nightmare in the middle of the night, and a strange voice calling my name kept me up.." I explain.

"Weird." Natsuki muttered. "What was the dream about?"

"I don't think it was a vision." I comment. "Not any that would help us, like Mrs. Smiths'."

"Are you sure?" Sayori asked, concerned written on her face.

I can't look into her eyes. "Yes, I'm sure."

"But you'll tell us after, right?" Natsuki pestered. "I mean, it's not like I care, but it could be important, and we made a promise not to hide any weird Guardian stuff from each other."

I smile, reassuring her with a nod. "Alright."

"Great!" Sayori exclaims, now skipping down the hallway. "Come on guys, I'm hungry!"

I laugh as she continues to playfully hop down the stairs. Natsuki quickens her pace, "Hey! Slow down!"

Element Guardians.

We were chosen as these Guardians to.. Well, I'm not exactly sure. But they were obviously based on the four natural elements; Earth, Water, Wind, and Fire. Whoever wields them, would use their power.

The thing is, this school is full of witches. Witches in training. Long story short, we nearly destroyed a classroom with our new powers on our first day, and got sent to a prophet named Mrs. Smith. She was trained to find us, and train us so we're ready for evil..?

Don't ask, I don't entirely understand it myself.

She no longer trains us, as the darkness has found us(?), and she wants to stay hidden to help us. I don't entirely agree, because that leaves us by our own to deal with this, but I shouldn't have expected much anyways.

We enter the fancy and large cafeteria, students sitting down on the red softened seats with trays of breakfast.

The four of us make our way to the long food table at the front, picking up a red tray and waiting at the end of the line.

2DDLC: Element Guardians! (Sayonika + Natsuri)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora