Chapter II

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G groaned after leaving Agriculture class. "Seriously, Ms. Alouise isn't that harsh when it comes to the plants," she said to herself. "Maybe she knew about the incident a while ago, Holy Fudge I'm dead meat!"

"What are you talking about Ma Cherie?" a French accent asked behind her.

"Oh snap, not him." she whispered.

"Fusososo~ it's okay chica, we won't tell anyone!" a Spanish accent added.

G turned around to face the three boys last on her list to meet. The Bad Touch Trio. "What do you easy-going Antonio, Flirty Francis and the not-so-yet-awesome king Gilbert want again?" she groaned.

"Kesesese~ Hallo, we're just asking you." Gilbert said smugly.

"I know Ms. Alouise isn't that harsh on you or any of us...but do you know why she's acting that weird again chica?" Antonio asked.

"I don't know and I don't care about it. So scram or you know what will happen to you three." G threatened.

Francis knew what she meant so he pushed his friends away from her, "Okay G-G, see you later, Au revior!" he quickly said then dragged the two out of sight and out of earshot.

"Seriously, those three need some straighten up or I'll do it for them." She mumbled and went towards the cafeteria.

The Bad Touch Trio panted after getting away from G. "Why did you do that for France?! That was very unawesome for the awesome king!" Gilbert shouted and sat on their lunch table. Yes, they're in the cafeteria, already grabbed their lunch and now talking to each other peacefully.

"Si amigo, why did you do that to G?" Antonio asked.

"You'll regret it if you knew Mon amis." Francis replied.

"You'll regret what papa?" Matthew asked, sitting down on their lunch table.

"Yeah Francy-pants, regret what?" Alfred chipped in.

"Nothing for that matter you two." A British accent said behind them.

"Bonjour Arthur~ What do you want?" Francis asked smugly.

Arthur scoffed, "Only the reason why Alfred here is asking."

"A-Arthur, I said it first.." Matthew said quietly but he wasn't noticed by the Brit.

"Nothing you Black sheep of Europe!" Francis said.

"Why you ugly frog!" Arthur shouted and strangled the Frenchman. The others only watched their fight and didn't even bother to break them up.

"Oi Francis, President! Stop your idiotic nonsense and stand up straight!" A female voice shouted.

Everyone looked at the girl, it was G, her arms akimbo and death glaring the two. "G?!" all of them except Matthew and Alfred shouted in unison.

G huffed and walked towards them, "And? Do as I say or else you idiots!" she shouted, making everyone in the cafeteria looked at her.

Francis and Arthur stood up straight while the others were watching them in awe. "Ma'am yes Ma'am!" both of them said and saluted.

She scowled and grabbed both of their neckties and stared them at their eyes, "What did I told you two before that stop fighting or...?" she asked.

"For Arthur, G will demote him from his Student Council president Duties. For Francis, G will hunt him down to make him ugly like a cactus' arse." Both of them said with fear and hate in their tone.

"Now that you two remembered it, Do it again or do what I swore truly?" She asked.

"We won't do it again G. A Gentleman's Promise." Both of them said.

G released both of their neckties and dusted her hands. "Now that's settled, go back to your lives people and eat!" she happily said and walked back to her table with the teachers like nothing happened.

All of them looked at Arthur and Francis, "She literally threatened that to the both of you?!" Alfred shouted.

"Yes. She's the Academy's most prestige Disciplinarian in both Countries and Micro nations. Now excuse me, I need to eat my lunch." Arthur replied while fixing his tie and left towards the lunch table he originally sat and talked with his fellow Student Council and the Newspaper club.

(A Hetalia Fanfiction) World Academy: Legend of the Academy GhostOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora