Chapter Four ~ It's a Brand New World

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For some reason it felt colder but, that could be because of the fact I was a bit wet now.

"Ow!" And already I'm smacking into walls. I rub my forehead and reach my hands out, keeping my right hand against a wall and my left and in front if me. I don't even care that I probably look like a stupid zombie, I'm blind for goodness sake! I have a right to look like a stupid zombie, so there!

Who am I talking to? I'm actually going crazy already, wow. I huff and keep on going. Sometimes I even manage to open a door, which was nice. But, sometimes a hear a loud zap or a different-y animal sort of noise or something unexplainable in total. I avoid that as best as I could.

But, then, probably hours later or something, I step into a hall or room or something and immediately hear, "Oh thank- what."

I very nearly wet myself- I'm not ashamed to admit that, the sudden sound of someone speaking scared the heck outta me. Except.. something was off.

"Uhh.." I stupidly drawl before gaining my voice, "Hello..?"

"What the- why- okay.. this could work. You there, kid?"

There was a... a distortion to his voice! That was the something that was off. It was basically male sounding, though, so definitely not Mom. "Um.." I back up a bit but the door already closed behind me so my back bumps against it.

"No, no! I may look scary but, kid, this mask has just been latched to my face and I'm afraid it might kill me from the inside out so... if you could let me out..." He said this was an undertone of what probably was panic but he was mostly calm.

And he didn't know I couldn't see.. so, whoops. And that undertone of distortion was beginning to creep into the back of my mind, my alarm bells ringing in the background. "I-I can't see." I blurt, momently drowned by my fear.

This was like a nightmare- why was I stupid enough to leave? I should've just waited for Mom! She was probably back at the office now, freaking out about the fact that I wasn't there and eventually she'd find me because duh and she would ground me until I was in my seventies. If that!

"What do you mean you can't see?" The voice suddenly became deeper, angry and the distortion took over, somehow I noticed the lights took on a different blink.

I jump and smack my hand against the door just to make some noise, and try to open it. Stop shaking, dang it! I won't listen to myself, though and I begin to shiver like I was cold. Actually, I'm pretty sure my blood has turned to ice at this point.

"I'm blind, s-sir!" I squeak out, throwing in the 'sir' for good measure and perhaps brownie points.

"Right... of course. My apologies." The man returns, "Just.. let me out. There's a button a few feet in front of you, to the left."

I have to think and move my hands around for a moment to remember where 'left' is but then I remember. But.. what if he was someone.. not good?

I'm quite seriously defenseless. And stupid, too. "Why.. um, should I?"

"Come on... I could be dying here, and you'd just leave me? Look, I know I might not seem very.. trustworthy." That's an understatement. "But I can be of some help. You're lost, aren't you?"

My face must've given something away because he chuckles lowly.

"Yes, why else would you be down here, hmm? You're just a child."

He isn't good, I reason. Not. At. All.

I begin tapping against the door and around around, trying to get it to open again.

"Wait, what are you doing?"

I don't answer him, instead I turn around to better tap against the door.  Come on! I know the general area..m why do I keep missing?

"Just let me out already, come on! Just push a little button.. even someone with brain death could do it!" His voice insistently calls out to me, eating away at my nerves as it grows darker.

Wrong side of the door, idiot. Finally, my conscious speaks to me and I swing towards the other side to slam my hand against the button. The door slides open, the air from it swishing against my face. I release a little gaso and rush ahead, ignoring his yelling for me to come back. And the dim flicker of the lights.


That was so scary and all I want is my Mom. I don't care if I sound like a baby, not anymore, who gives a crap when you're in a nightmare place like this.

This is bad parenting Mom, letting your child get into this situation.

And now I feel bad... and I'm sore and tired and I'm freaking blind so I can't even find a good spot to rest without the constant dread that someone bad- like that creepy-giving-feels guy- finding me. I've always felt a certain resentment towards my blindness but wow... I've never hated it until now.

And hungry! I finished off my m&ms hours ago.. man, I don't even know what time it is. And this hallway goes on and on and on!

I sigh softly, as there are still some crazy noises going around, and pat open yet another door. But the air feels different, stagnant, still. "Hellooo?" I call into the room, just to make sure, but nothing answers me but a far off rumbling. I enter and touch around, finding out that it's just an office.

But an office I can make a bed underneath the desk in!

As I lay on the couch cushions, I allow myself the luxury of letting my thoughts bounce around my mind. Like the fact that, no matter what the outcome, nothing will be the same again.

With that fun thought, I manage to drift off into an uneasy sleep.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Apr 24, 2020 ⏰

नए भागों की सूचना पाने के लिए इस कहानी को अपनी लाइब्रेरी में जोड़ें!

SCP-096 x Blind Child Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें