; Wish in action! ;

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Yugi Tsukasa x Reader


❝Wanting a normal life isn't selfish, It's a normal human desire

❝Wanting a normal life isn't selfish, It's a normal human desire❞

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(Previously: Tsukasa's POV

"Starting operation toast!" I say with a huge smile.

"Is it to late to change my wish..?" She sweatdropped.

"Yep!" I giggled.)

I hold up a piece of toast. "Put this in your mouth!"

"Eh? Is this a joke?" she asks.

"Nope!~" I say, waving the toast in her face.

She sighed and put the toast in her mouth.

"You'll run around the corner when I say. Got it?" I say.

She nodded.

"Go!" When I said go, she ran off. The person she bumped into was a tall, fit guy. He had brown hair, shaved on one side the other side long, covering this eye. He was kinda ugly to be honest ( '◡‿ゝ◡')

He rubbed the back of his head, groaning. "Hey! Watch where your going short ass!"

"Sorry." She said all stoic like.

Right after that he stood up and left, mumbling something to himself.

Y/n walks up to me, "H..How was that supposed to help?" She said sweating.

I just smiled, ignoring her question.

"Now! Operatio-" Y/n suddenly cut me off.

"I don't want to do this anymore Tsukasa.." She said, the look on her face was a mixture of sadness and annoyance.

It was so pitiful. I liked it.

"Fine then. But I still get something in return." I say with a sadistic smile, almost starring right into her soul.

I watch as I sent shivers down her spine.

I was enjoying this.

I grab her hand, dragging her back to the broadcasting room.

Your POV
As Tsukasa held my hand, dragging me back to the broadcasting room I can't help but wonder, 'What does he want in return?'

We get to the broadcasting room and come in. No one is here but us. It's the end of the day now and everyone is either home or on cleaning duty.

"Uh.. Tsukasa?" I ask.

"Hm?" he turns around smiling.

"Well.. I was wondering.. What you want from me in return?"

"Oh, that's simple.. All I want is..

Your company."

I'm surprised, I'd expect it to be something else.

"Keep me entertained. That's all." he says smiling. 'His smile is kinda cute-'

I mentally slap myself.

'No Y/n! You make it sound like your in love with him or something-'

He tilts his head ever so slightly, like a confused puppy.

'But, what if I am?'

"Uh, are you ok?" He asked.

"Oh! Uh, yes." I say, snapping myself back to reality

'Don't be silly Y/n! You guys just met'

Tsukasa wraps his arms around your waist, hugging you from behind. You blush from the sudden contact, your heart fluttering.

"Are you sure your ok?~" He asks again. 

'Maybe I do like him.. like love at first sight?'

You nod. 

'I mean.. he is attractive.. More so than his brother.'


He smiles, resting his head on the crook of my neck.

"Love is like paper, Y'know?"

I turn my head in an attempt to look at him.

"Pretty easy to make, but gets broken or ripped up easily too. It gets left behind and forgotten. However, certain pieces of paper can be special to people. They lock it up, and protect it no matter the cost." His eyes were closed, but I could see a small smile imprinted on his lips.

I stay quiet, afraid of saying the wrong thing.

"Lets stay like this a bit longer." He says.



I felt like updating hehe.

I wrote this on my phone since I don't have my laptop with my right at the moment.

Tell me if I need to improve anything!

New chapter coming soon!


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