6th Grade

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It's amazing how one year could be the best year you've ever had, then the next year, everything breaks and becomes the worst year.

That happened to me.

My name is Bethany Kinney, or Beth for short, and I'm currently in 7th grade with a huge crush on a guy named Spike.

Everyone hates me for it because we already dated. But then we broke up.


I loved him. He was the best boyfriend ever. I never wanted to lose him.

But my best friend had other thoughts.

She absolutely hated him and wanted him to quit taking me away from her.

So she slowly started piling on lies to try to get us to break up. No luck.

Eventually, she moved on to another attempt. This time, she started telling me over and over again all the bad things about Spike. She would tell me how he was short and stupid and that I'm way too good for him.

It all got to my head. Soon, I started believing them too.

I broke up with him, but deep down in my heart, I still loved him.

When summer ended and we got back to school, we were acquaintances.

August slowly rolled past and when September started, I began to notice Spike more and more.

The feeling deep down in my heart expanded.

I was in love...

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