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Ah, trampolines- I'm not sure about you, but this calls back to my childhood. It's something everyone seems magnetically drawn to- as in, "Hey, remember when we jumped on the trampoline and you hurt your leg and I scraped my elbow? Let's do it again!" And around and around the cycle continues.

Don't get me wrong, trampolines are fun! Loads of fun! There are a variety of exciting games you can play on them, almost as many games as there are on Roblox. You can play Dead Man and Crack The Egg to name my favorites.

Dead Man consists of one person being limp in the center- presumably killed by their fellow trampoline lovers- and after a short (and honestly, in my opinion, creepy) chant, the "dead man" comes to life and, with closed eyes, tries to tag someone. There are so many ways you can have fun with this game! If you're dead man, you can continually fall off the trampoline! If you're not dead man, you can focus all of your attention on the dead man and fall of the trampoline! Really, the possibilities are endless.

Crack the Egg is perhaps my top favorite. One person curls up and hugs their knees, and does their best to hold that position. Everyone else jumps on the trampoline and tries to break the position the "egg" is in, with the restriction of no physical touch. It's fun being the egg- you can hug yourself tightly without being judged, scream at the top of your lungs, and later you can look at your arms and legs, wonder where you got that cut, and then realize sliding around on the trampoline may have helped.

And finally, has anyone ever crawled under a trampoline while it's been used? Ah, the pure rush of terror and adrenaline that comes from peoples' feet pressing down through the trampoline and towards your face...! It brings me back under every time! 5/5 star rating!

Speaking of ratings, if you enjoyed this article, please vote it up, I would appreciate that! Maybe even leave a comment if you want! If you didn't enjoy it, please tell me why not so I can make an effort to improve future chapters of Mark's Mind

And lastly, if you have any ideas what I could bash next, let me know! I will generally stray away from politics and religion, but so long as it isn't those, and the topic is appropriate for audiences 17 and younger, I would gladly look into it!

Thank y'all so much for your time! Have a great day!

-Mark Borne

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2022 ⏰

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