|| General Information ||

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Welcome to King of Kings!

In command games, you put a command like /hunt in the comments. Later, an admin will respond to the command with something like "[Name of Cat] went hunting and caught 3 prey!"

There are certain mechanics that will be explained.

Updates and Moons
Every few days, a new moon will start. Every moon, energy will be refilled and one prey will be eaten by each cat . Every moon can also have an event.

Energy and Commands
Energy determines what and how many commands you can enter. Normally, you have an amount of energy each moon that you can use for commands. Different commands take different amounts of energy, but it usually takes one energy per command.

Seasons and Weather
Different seasons have different affects with different pros and cons. Each season consists of three moons, so twelve moons is a year.

In Silver Petal, hunting and foraging starts getting easier. However, hay-fever and floods happen more frequently due to pollen and melting ice. The signs of this season are Pisces, Aries, and Taurus.

In Flower Dance, you get +1 herbs when you forage and +1 prey when you hunt. Blizzards and frosts never happen. However, forest fires and heat waves occur more frequently. This is also the time twolegs come to the forest so expect some twoleg traps. Due to the absence of recently fallen branches, when you gather, you get -1 sticks. The signs of this season are Gemini, Cancer, and Leo.

In Fading Fire, hunting and foraging get a bit harder. Due to falling branches, when you gather sticks, you get +1 sticks. There is also a small chance of getting injured by a falling branch and fires happen more because of the dryness. The signs of this season are Virgo, Libra, and Scorpio.

In Frost Patch, when you hunt or forage, you get -1 prey or -1 herbs. As it is easy to see where the sticks are, when you gather, you get +1 sticks. Rouge attacks happen more due to starvation. The signs of this season are Sagittarius, Capricorn, and Aquarius.

Endless Night is a different season than the rest. It happens every 24 moons, synchronized with the volcano's eruption. The sign of this season is Ophichus, but those born with it aren't very respected...

Hunting, Prey, and Hunger
To last even a couple of moons, you need prey. Prey feeds cats so they don't go hungry.

After one day of no food, a cat is hungry. After two days, they are starving and one energy gets taken away. After three days, they die.

When a cat goes hunting, they bring back prey for the clan to eat.

Foraging, Herbs, and Healing
Herbs are used for healing. To heal a cat, it takes an amount of herbs and one of the healer's energy.

To get herbs, a healer goes foraging.

Ceremonies and Sacrifices
Healers have more responsibility than just healing and foraging. They are also responsible for performing ceremonies and sacrifices. There are many types, two important ones being the Illuminist Trials and the Volcano Sacrifice.

Gathering, Sticks, and Building
Sticks are mostly used for building. If a rank doesn't have a den, they will be sleep deprived and have one less energy. Different dens take different amounts of sticks to build.

King of Kings | A Warriors Command Game |Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora