Preference (15)

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How you tell him that you're pregnant //

Davy ↠ You and davy both usually have hectic schedules, so you guys have date night usually on Saturday nights. Well during dinner, you decided to announce the news that you were pregnant. Davy was so excited, that he stood up and announced it to the whole restaurant. Everyone cheered, and you were so embarrassed, but then again so happy to see davy so thrilled. During that moment you knew that Davy was going to be a terrific father.

Micky ↠ All of your closest friends knew, besides micky. You all thought that maybe you could break the news during a game night, you invited everyone over, and the night went very well. You decided to announce the news by a friendly game of charades. You and Micky were a team, let's just say it took him a tiny bit to get that you were trying to draw a bun in the oven, but the second he yelled "you've got a bun in the oven" his jaw immediately dropped, and he had the cutest reaction. He started cheering and yelling "I'm going to be a dad!" And you just knew you were excited for your soon to be family.

Peter ↠ He actually found out accidentally, and you were upset because you wanted to make it special, but accidents happen. You'd be on the phone with your best friend and speaking to them about how you didn't know how to break the exciting news to Peter, but he'd accidentally over hear and you'd hear the words "You're pregnant?" And your heart would drop when you'd see Peter standing there with the biggest grin on his face. You'd tell your friend that you have to go and finally tell him, and Peter was so happy. That night Peter treated you and took you out to dinner to celebrate the exciting news!

Mike ↠ After a long day of filming, you could tell Mike was extremely stressed by the show but also from rehearsals. You wanted to wait a bit to tell him, but you thought that maybe the good news would cheer him up and make him excited for the future! sure enough you broke the news for him, and his mood changed immediately. He got so excited, and couldn't wait to tell everyone the great news. He immediately went to go call his folks back in Texas and the rest of the night you two talked about baby names, stuff for the nursery, etc.

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