Chapter 13 - Training With Masky and Hoodie

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"E-enough..I...*cough*...stop..." I whisper in a sickly voice, Masky gasps and stands up. I stand up aswell, then tackle him, I throw atleast two punches before Masky shouts, in between laughs...

"A-Alright! You got me pinned! You're smart!" I smile and don't release him. His face turns red beneath his mask and I realize what he's thinking. I instantly get up off of him and walk back over to Hoodie.

"Well done, you beat the con-master," Hoodie congratulates me. I laugh and Masky groans.

"I'm not the con-master!" he mumbles. "I'm just clever,". Hoodie and I both laugh.

"Well, nice job. You can go on your date with BEN now," he says. Masky stands frozen. I nod, understanding I was dismissed, and walk out. I touch the doorknob, but Masky grabs my wrist. I turn around and look at him with a curious expression.

"I have to talk to you first," he whispers. Then the door flies open and it sends me toppling ontop of Masky. Toby stands there in shock.

"B-BEN...!" he shouts. BEN comes running upstairs, I instantly frown.

"It's not what it looks like!" I scream. Masky shakes his head.

"I-I was trying to tell her she forgot her jacket on the chair!" he says in a louder voice than usual.

" that case, get off of him," BEN mumbles. I get off him and walk up to BEN, I whisper,

"It was an accident," he shakes his head. I frown, knowing I'm in trouble. BEN then smiles.

"Kiss me right here, and right now to prove that you're mine. Mine only.." he says, loud enough so that the whole mansion could hear. Everyone runs up to see, we back into the training room. Everyone forms a circle around us, even little Sally...

"Kiss the girl!" Laughing Jack shouts.

"Do it! She wants you!" Jeff screams, almost sounding insane.

"We want to see you share love!" cheers Sally. I giggle at her. I make eye contact with BEN. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him passionately. I hear catcalls and cheers all around me, he and I remain kissing until he leans me back and pushes me to the ground. The cheers stop, and I feel BEN get ripped off of me. I see BEN being held back by Toby and Masky. I frown.

"Hey! No fair! They weren't going to go that far!" shouts LJ. Jack boos at them, and throws a kidney. I snort and stand up.

"You two pissed because I just kissed him in front of you? Is that it!?" I shout, clearly angry. They both nod.

"Then how about I kiss every damn one of you, so you don't feel bad! Huh?!" I hear whispers around me, and they all nod in agreement. I frown. What'd I get myself into?

"Form a line!" shouts Hoodie. His voice is loud.. I see BEN in front of me, obviously. I kiss him on the lips, and he frowns. Clearly he's pissed that he has to watch me kiss every other man in the house. He'll rape me later.. I see LJ next in line, he leans down because he's so tall, and I kiss him quickly on the cheek. He jumps off. Jack is after LJ, and I kiss his cheek after he lifts his mask, I see his ears turn pinkish. I see Sally next, and I giggle because she's so cute. I kiss her on the forehead and she skips away. Next is Jeff, and he grins mischeviously.

"Kiss me, babe..~" he whispers seductively. I roll my eyes and kiss his cheek. His smile gets wider, if that's even possible, and struts away like he's won a trophy. Next in line is Hoodie, I grin and kiss him lightly. He chuckles and runs off. Next up is Toby. Toby nods, because we've done more than a kiss, and I regret it. I kiss his cheek and he walks away, he looks disappointed...last is Masky. He doesn't smile, in fact he's red. I didn't notice LJ behind me, attempting to scare me. Masky lifts his mask, and I come forward to kiss his cheek. The moment I do, LJ shoves me and I end up kissing his lips. BEN gasps for air, he's so angry that he's actually bleeding through his eyes.

"LJ! You seriously..! I'm going to..." BEN runs toward LJ and LJ takes off running away from BEN. I quickly pull back from Masky and frown, but Masky takes my head and pulls me back forward. His eyes are asking for more, and Masky gets pulled away by Hoodie and Jack. Masky frowns and stares at me with lust. I stare blankly, not sure what to think.

"Let me go! I love her!" he shouts with anger, he's clearly too angry to think about what he's saying.

"I want her to be mine, release me this instant! I can't let her get away!" Masky shouts, I run off in fear that he'll get violent. BEN walks up to me and places his hand on my back.

"Are you ok, Lilly?" he whispers. I shake my head.

"He l-loves me...but I can't possibly love him back. I love you!"

"I know you do, and you're loyal. That's why I love you so the way, Toby likes you too...I think," I roll my eyes.

"Does BEN like me too?" I whisper, and we both grin.

"BEN likes you too. I think he loves you..." I kiss him, and the night goes.


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