Episode 1, Chapter 4: Happily ever after.

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"Yes." Says Husk

"Tequila for me!" Angel says

"Alright, be back in a jiff."

Niffty leaves and goes to the bar, but instead of buying drinks, she only pulls out her phone to listen in on the conversation, after a few minutes of talking, Angel says,

"Damn it I need to pee, be right back."

Both don't even notice, they're so enraptured by their conversation they don't even notice Angel getting up and walking away. Angel joins up with Niffty.

"Alright, how are those two doing?" Angel says looking over at the phone

"They're talking like they usually do." Niffty whispers, so the phone doesn't pick up their audio

"Ok, that mean we can start part 3?" Angel joins in the whispering

"Al seems ok with the situation now, and seems to only by interested in Husk's presence, I think we're good to go."

"Geeze was there even a point in this part?"

"Well we got the result we needed, no complaining."

"Yeah yeah..."

Niffty buys the drinks and both head back to the table. Husk just takes and sip and continues conversation. For some reason ever since his little crush on Alastor, he started drinking way less than usual when Alastor was around, most of the alcohol is a one and done type of deal to him. Alastor casually gives a sip from his bourbon periodically. Part 3, loosen Alastor up, while it may seem that he is situated for now, he wouldn't even go so far to even step a foot away from the table, so to combat this they shall utilize the classic method of intoxication, not too much where he's wasted, but enough for him to be more flexible. After about 2 or 3 drinks Alastor was a tad more gigglier than usual bingo. Now for the preparation of part 4. She takes Angel's phone from under the table. Niffty goes over to Alastor,

"Hey Alastor?"

"Yes my dear, something the matter?" Alastor asks not even looking at Niffty

"My skirt doesn't have pockets, can you hold my phone for me?"

"Yes dear."

He takes her phone and puts it in an internal pocket in his coat, where in reality, it was Angel's phone, and she did have pockets, but Alastor was to focused on Husk to even notice. Her phone was still in the call with Angel, so they can still listen in on their conversation. Now for the trickier part, part 4, get Husk and Alastor to dance with eachother. With one fell swoop, Angel rushed in and grabbed Husk by the arms,

"Alright! We didn't come here for drinks and chitchat, dance time baby!!!"

"Angel, what the fu-"

"Time to shake it!" Alastor says, pretty drunk, all while following Husk.

Suddenly Angel spins Husk and tosses him to Alastor. Husk bumps into Alastor, he was already dancing, he turns around and talks to Husk,

"Ha ha! Good to see you again my friend, come, join me in this shindig!"

His moves were old-timey, but not enough to bring in unwanted attention.

"Al, wait, hold on! You're gonna scare everyone here if someone sees you!"

"Bah! Let them run! It's their fault for being such cowards!"

Husk remains silent for abit, then says, "Ya know what, yeah! It's your night, fuck everybody!"

"That's the spirit!"

Husk and Alastor start dancing, Husk's was mirroring the other dancers around him, doing mere fist pumps and simple movements, meanwhile, Angel and Niffty rendezvous and start listening in to the conversation, they heard everything,

"Fuck yeah!" Angel says in victory

"We're not done yet, one more part and then we can seal the deal!" Niffty reminds

"Alright, on it!"

Angel runs up to the DJ booth and hands him a 20,

"Play somthin' romantic for me will ya baby~"

The DJ blushes, and leans into his mic,

"Alrighty, if you got that special someone to keep you warm at night, this song is for you, if you don't, get off the dance floor, ya fuckin' virgins."

And then, slow music starts playing, and multiple couples start joining in. Husk hears the music and his face goes red and sees Angel smiling at him giving a thumbs up from his 6 arms.

"Oh motherfucker..."

He face palms, and then out of no where Alastor suddenly appears in front of him, hugs him and starts swaying. Husk has currently lost his shit at that moment,

"A-Al?! The fuck are you doing?!" Husk whispers in order to not disturb the other dancers.

"Slow dancing, isn't it obvious?" Alastor says quietly

"Uh, y-yeah I can see that, just why me?"

"Would I let anyone else here touch me?"

"True... but, I don't know how to dance..."

"You were dancing a minute ago."

"Yeah, but I was just copying the people around me."

"Well you don't need to copy anyone, here I'll show you, put this hand on my shoulder, and the other one on my waist."

"O-ok what now?"

"Now, just let the music take you away."

Then, they start dancing, every movement they made was dictated by the music, it was surreal, Husk felt as if he was dreaming. He closed his eyes and unknowingly and let his imagination run wild, the ball he had imagined when Niffty pointed out his crush on Alastor returned. They were amongst a crowd, moving at a slow and comforting pace, he spins Alastor around, and, somehow he did in reality, they return and start moving around some more. He felt so happy, for once in his sorry life, he actually didn't feel like absolute horse shit, he felt like he was gonna cry at that moment. He started thinking... maybe this is a dream, that if he wakes up, it's all over. He opens his eyes to see it's not a dream, it's happening in front of him. Niffty and watch this and share a high five, they did it.

Angel With the Assist (Husk x Alastor)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ