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Hi, I was tagged by Antalin0901 tendtepushpa and naughty_angel16

So let's start 😁

1) My mother tongue is Punjabi, but I can speak French, English and Hindi also.
I am currently learning Spanish and German.

2) I am shy and an introvert but a chatterbox and crazy girl with my friends🙈

3) I don't get angry or irritated very easily but when I do, it's really dangerous. I do things which nobody expects me to do as I am an introvert😂

4) I am a real drama queen. I have the ability to do drama continuously without any reason when I am in the mood 💁🏻‍♀️

5) My imagination is really weird. I imagine things which are just not possible or things which nobody imagine 🙈
loveraglak  Please confirm 😂

6) Love listening to songs. A day is not a day for me until I don't listen to songs, specially Punjabi songs (specially Punjabi songs of a specific singer☺️)

7) I am scared of heights, public speaking, thunder and lightening, animals also but more scared of snakes, lizards, and spiders than others 😨

8) I love cooking and drawing, but I am fail in both so don't even try now as I know what the result will be 😂

9) I have a habit of talking too softly, literally whispering when I should talk normally. And also of talking too loudly and it's always when I shouldn't (You can imagine what happens then 😬😂)

10) Love sleeping, can sleep the whole day if I had the option😴

11) I have an unique problem: laughing in every situation, even when I should not (so you can again imagine what the situation be like 🤣)

12) A big foodie!!! I just love eating😍
I am always munching something 🙈

13) I always wished to have an elder sibling but unfortunately I am the elder one😔
Thanks to Watty, now I have many elder sisters
tendtepushpa 😘
lucky_lakshmi 😘
Antalin0901 😘
loveraglak 😘
thisis_sonja 😘
You five are amazing sisters, love you a lot 😘😘😘

So those were the 13 boring facts about me 😂
Hope you enjoyed 😁

I am tagging lucky_lakshmi HriduanaMunna thisis_sonja

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