Chapter 8: Discomposure

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Shizuo woke twice in the night.

The first, he was barely conscious. He sensed someone watching him but instinctively knew it wasn't a threat so let himself drift again.

The second time was in the early morning and he looked up blearily to see the informant still at his computer, before sighing.

He felt Izaya caress his face, but that was a dream. He'd had them before.

He finally rose to the smell of bacon and eggs, tumbling off the sofa and trudging forth, zombie-like, after the nostalgic smell.
He could see Izaya's bemused smirk but was too hungry and sleepy to care.

He did take pleasure in the surprise Izaya showed when he rose, retrieved a second plate and dumped half his food onto it, shoving it to the ravenette who'd mysteriously forgotten to set two places.

"You are eating, flea." He grunted before letting the golden eggs and perfectly fried bacon occupy his full attention.


When he'd finished and carefully ensured Izaya did too, the ravenette handed him a list and shoved him out the door.

"Here's the shopping list. Don't come back before twelve as I have an important client."

Shizuo pretended to walk away and snuck back to listen. He heard the other man slump against the door and sigh deeply.

What stress could be I causing him?

Shizuo moved to walk away...then stopped when he heard the audible sob.
He hesitantly knocked on the door.

"You teleported to and from the store?" Came a voice from the other side.

It was intended to sound sardonic...but there was a strain Shizuo didn't like.

"If I walk away now, it would be the third time I would have done that knowing I'm leaving you in pain."

There was another choked back sob from the other side of the door, hastily stifled. Shizuo felt something vital, breaking a little inside him.

"Open the damn door." The blond growled.

The ravenette obeyed but kept his head low, his hair covering his eyes.

Shizuo's anger vacated him and his voice was so soft when he spoke, it surprised him. "What do I do?"

Izaya remained silent beneath him. From the way his body shook, Shizuo could guess he was struggling to get his voice under control before he spoke.

Despite his efforts, it seemed the ravenette wasn't confident enough to say anything, instead he moved forward and pressed his forehead to Shizuo's chest, one slender hand clutching at the blonds shirt.

"Just stay here for a bit." He whispered quietly after a few shaky breaths, and Shizuo could still feel him trembling slightly.

Hesitantly, the bodyguard raised his arms, putting one hand protectively around that slim frame, and raising his free hand to stroke it gently though the others hair.

Initially Izaya seemed to lean in, welcoming his touch, but as if realising what he was doing, the ravenette pushed him away.

"That never happened okay? Get groceries."


Izaya kept his face out of view. "Please?"

Shizuo hesitated, but was satisfied by the returning steadiness to Izaya's voice.


Atlasजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें