The Prince Meets His Princess

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This is a one-shot for my book Guardians and the Legend of the Invincibles. This contains no spoilers and no need for extra context. Just sit back and enjoy :)

James had never been to the Northlands before. At the age of five, he hadn't been far outside the castle walls. He tried to comprehend his parents' words about why they were taking him and his sister. The twins didn't spend much time with their parents outside of meals, and if they were lucky, bedtime.

All James knew was they were meeting the new princess. He wasn't sure what the world betrothal meant, but the adults used it often and with excitement. Was it another word for friendship?

"How much longer, Mother?" Angelina asked as their mother braided back her unruly golden locks.

"Not much longer, dear," Mother replied, tying a pink ribbon in his sister's hair.

Unlike his optimistic little sister, James wasn't thrilled about traveling so far, and being cooped up in a carriage with his mother, father, and sister for weeks, only stopping every few hours to stretch and at night to rest.

"I'm starving," James complained. He was bored out of his mind. His toy horses had grown old after the first week of travel. Watching the world go by seemed so trivial now. All there was to see was snow-covered trees with no leaves.

James' father was very quiet the whole ride, looking over documents or reading books. Mother spent most of her time sewing and humming sweet songs. Sometimes she would tell them stories, but they weren't very good.

As the sun started to go down, and the sky shifted from bright blue to warm golden-orange. The stone castle came into view. They rode through the city of Keens, the townspeople cheering their arrival. James waved out the window and smiled.

"Hi!" he called to the people.

"That's enough, James," his father scolded, finally speaking after hours of silence.

James slumped down in his seat with a frown.  But not for much longer as they approached the castle gates which led into the most beautiful garden James had ever seen. Roses and lilies, rich green trees in the dead of winter.

"I heard it's because of the queen," Angelina whispered to James. "She's an elf, a real elf. Can you believe?"

"What difference does being an elf make?"

"They're magical, and can do amazing things to nature!" Angelina exclaimed.

James didn't see what was so amazing about that. "Humans can use nature magic too, and other forms."

"But elves have pointy ears! And I heard the queen has hair as white as pearls." Her blue eyes twinkled with excitement.

"She sounds old."

"She's not! She's an elf, stupid!"

"None of that, children," their father scolded.

James rolled his eyes and turned away from his sister.

The carriage came to a halt in front of the castle, a castle guard opened the door. "Presenting, King Stefan and Queen Rowen of the Southland," the guard announced. "And presenting Prince James and Princess Angelina of the Southlands."

James exited the carriage, holding his sister's small hand. They walked behind their parents and up the stairs to meet the king and queen of the Northlands. King Hendren, a man in his thirties with light brown hair and cold grey eyes, stood with a scowl that made him look much older.

Next to the king stood the most beautiful woman James had ever seen. She was youthful, with mature velvet eyes. Her pearl white hair cascaded down, like a snowy veil. Her rose-touched skin gave her a healthy blush complexion. Her warm smile was motherly with a hint of mischief. She wore a long purple silk dress with matching wool shall that draped over her neck and shoulders. A red roses crown sat atop her head proudly.

"Welcome, Stefan, Rowen, and the lovely James and Angelina," Queen Mari greeted warmly.

James had never seen such an enchanting smile, it brought a blush to his cheeks.

"You must be worn. Come in and we'll get you some tea. And if it's alright with you two, some hot cocoa for the children?"

James' mood brightened at the mention of hot cocoa. "Please!" The twins exclaimed in unison, something they did frequently.

Father didn't look pleased but nodded. "Very well, Queen Mari."

James and Angelina followed Queen Mari inside, excited about the special treat. They entered the living room with two long couches and a warm stone fireplace. A baby fussed in a crib near a small oak table. A nurse-maid rocked the crib, trying to calm the baby. Mari rushed over and picked up the child, who immediately stopped crying.

"It's alright, my love," she coed, rocking the infant in her arms.

James gazed in wonder, completely forgetting about the hot cocoa and fresh cookies that were waiting for him on the table.

Angelina stood by the queen, trying to peek at the baby. Mari turned and grinned again. "Would you like to hold her, sweetie?"

Angelina nodded. She perched herself on the couch and held out her arms. Mari gently placed the baby into them.

"Hello, baby." Angelina laughed. "What's her name?"

"Phoenix, but I call her Phe," Mari answered.

"Hi, Phe," Angelina giggled.

James stood next to the opposite couch near his parents. His mother combed the back of his golden hair, noticing his hesitancy.

Mari approached James and kneeled in front of him. "Are you nervous?"

James shook his head, but he was. He had never seen a baby so tiny. "Is she your daughter?"

"She's my daughter in heart, my princess."

"What does that mean?" He asked.

"Phe was someone else's baby, but Alexandria brought her into my care because her parents didn't have the means." Mari took his hand. "Come sit by your sister."

James took a seat by his sister. Mari took baby Phoenix and held her out to James. "Would you hold her?"

James extended his arms hesitantly as Mari let the weight of the infant transfer to his arms. He stared in awe. Her raven black hair against her ivory skin made her look exotic and special. She was so peaceful and innocent and tiny.

The baby squirmed in his arms but didn't fuss. James lifted her head slightly to see her better. She opened her angular almond-shaped blue eyes. They were beautiful, like nothing he had ever seen. The corners of her mouth turned up into a goofy smile.

At that moment James knew he would do anything to protect Phoenix.

He would do anything to make her smile again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2020 ⏰

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