Herbst in Berlin

Comincia dall'inizio

"Wow! Dein Zimmer ist wirklich unordentlich," Rita said flatly.

Rolli grumbled quietly,"Ich habe es dir gesagt."

Rita looked at the piece of paper on the desk and looked up at him. "Findest du Erdkunde schwierig?"

Rolli reluctantly replied,"Ja."

Patting his back in sympathy, Rita kindly admitted,"Sei du verlegen nicht. Ich finde Erdkunde schwierig auch."

Rolli's jaw dropped and he demanded,"Warum hilfst du mir dann?"

"Uhhh... ich habe meine Hausaufgaben nicht gemacht," Rita confessed and adverted her gaze."Es tut mir leid."

Rolli sighed and began tidying up his bed. His guinea pig stopped sprinting and squeaked fiercely.
"Julius Caesar hat Hunger. Er will Salat essen. Moment mal."

Once Rolli left, Rita stared intensely at the ravenous beast.
"Du bist sehr süß!," she simpered."Heißt du Julius Caesar Schmidt? Das ist ein lang Name!"

Julius Caesar Schmidt glared at the towering giant whose hand was fast approaching. He pondered to himself why he, a helpless and chubby creature, had to endure this torment. He didn't dwell on this for too long however, and scampered away from Rita's touch.
"Bist du schüchtern?," she asked softly. "Du bist ziemlich pummelig."

Julius Caesar Schmidt glared disgustedly. How could he trust a race who openly taunted his kind with sickly sweet jeers and smirks? He squeaked in protest.
"Du musst viel Hunger haben."

He sat down in contempt. He didn't even like his pathetic, blonde owner. The woeful lad was, thankfully, absolutely terrified of him and rightfully so.
A long time ago, the day when he was taken away from that dreadfully noisy pet shop, Julius promised to himself he'd get his revenge on humanity and save his kind from their selfish grasp. So far he didn't make any progress but he felt like he was bonding with one of the parrots or whatever they were.

From downstairs a cacophonous commotion could be heard as Rolli was still looking for the lettuce.
Rita, who was quite bored now, sighed and shouted,"Rolli! Du brauchst eine lange Zeit!"

"Ich kann den Salat nicht finden!," he yelled back.

Rita went back to looking at Julius Caesar, this time a bit disinterested. Then, from within her, she had an idea.
"Willst du aus deinem Käfig kommen?," she suggested faintly.

Julius Caesar stopped his thoughts of usurping all of humanity for a moment and looked up at Rita. She noticed this and asked again but a little louder.
For once in his miserable life, Julius was given a chance. No this was a once in a lifetime opportunity. He was practically being given an invitation to pure freedom, handed to him on a silver platter by some blissfully ignorant girl.
Joy possessed him and he began bouncing erratically. Rita, who was completely entranced and ecstatic, tucked her fingers underneath his cream coloured belly, hoisted him effortlessly and finally released him from his prison.

For all his life, Julius Caesar Schmidt had felt imprisoned, confined, restrained physically by humans but also mentally by himself.
He resisted the wonders of friendship, he turned a blind eye to the affection from humans and antagonised love all together. But somehow he felt an overwhelming amalgamation of everything he'd once refused course through him.
This stupefying feeling made him squeak and attempt to scamper onto Rita's lap with little success but like before she scooped him up and set Julius on her lap. He squeaked in admiration and continued to bounce joyously.

A day in Berlin (Hallo aus Berlin fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora