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I stare absentmindedly at a letter from the queen. I don't understand what she wants.

A few months ago, my brother was sent to her little camp for what she calls Hwarang. He hasn't sent word and I fear what the Queen has done. My brother would never go a day without sending me letters.

I read the letter again, this time out loud. "Min Jisoo, I have received word that the Hwarang have been fighting each other. They need a physician to tend to them. As I don't want word of this to get out, I will be sending an escort to take you to Hwarang House. If you refuse, your brother or your father will take your punishment." I close my eyes and sigh.

My brother or my father? Why would they be forced to take a punishment for my decision?

I shake my head. I can't let them get hurt. I just got my brother back. I can't lose him. I go to my room and start packing my things. As I pack, I stumble upon a medallion.

It doesn't take long to notice it belonged to my brother. He left it behind.

I quickly put it in the pocket of my dress. I need to give this to him because I have the other one. Once all my things are together, I wait outside.

The escort should be here soon. They wouldn't wait just so I can have time to run away.

The Capital just doesn't work that way. Nothing in the Capital is in favor of those the Queen targets.

I learned the hard way. I have lived most of my life with only my father. I have not really had anyone else to talk to other than my father. I quickly learned the ways of a physician and started helping my father.

My thoughts are interrupted by hoofbeats.

I quickly stand and meet the eyes of the man chosen to escort me.

The man jumps off his horse and approaches me.

At the same time, my father comes outside. He notices that I packed up my supplies. "What is going on here?"

The man turns to my father. "Queen Ji-So has chosen your daughter as a physician for the Hwarang," he pauses and gets an evil glint in his eyes, "She also wishes to remind you that your son is one of her Hwarang. She now controls both of your children in the palm of her hand."

My father's eyes cloud over as he looks at me. "I never gave the queen reason to take my daughter and use her for whatever Her Majesty seems fit."

I want to agree with my father. I want to beg the man to allow me to run, but I know any attempt is futile. I can't escape the queen's grasp.

The man reaches for my arm. He yanks it hard, but I don't fight back.

Now is not the time, child. Soon you shall stand against the queen and protect us all. You will rise with Hwarang at your side.

I blink, unsure if I actually heard the voice or not. I look back at my forlorn father. "I'll be fine. I will find Taehyung. I promise."

My father doesn't react to my words. Instead, he turns to the man. "How is my son?"

"Min Taehyung has caused some chaos, but rest assured. The new physician will tend to all the wounded... including your son." The man doesn't say anything else. He just drags me to his horse.

If there's one thing I know, it's that nothing in this kingdom is fair.

The small kingdom of Silla will never rise above the others. Silla is too divided by the True-Bone system to ever become strong. The kingdom won't last much longer under Ji-So's rule. The kingdom needs its king.

My thoughts are once again interrupted by hoofbeats.

I quickly turn around to look at my father one last time. I may never see him again. I fear what the queen will do to him.

"Look ahead, woman!" the man yells at me.

I hesitate before looking in front of me. I'm truly leaving my home. I'm leaving the village and moving to Hwarang House. I will be treating patients until the Queen decides to do something else with me.

The wind whistles past my ears. The scenery rushes by me. The land and world I know are quickly passing me by.

I remember the last conversation I had with my brother.

We were sitting on the porch at night, watching the stars. Just before that, we had read a letter that was sent to my brother.

He was to be sent away to become a Hwarang.

I started crying against his shoulder. "I just found you," I said, "I can't lose you again so soon. I can't do it."

Taehyung stroked my hair. "Do not shed any tears for me," he pled, "because I know you are strong. You will make it through this. You have spent nearly ten years without me. Surely, you can carry on now."

I looked up at my brother. "Don't say that, Min Taehyung. You don't understand. Those two things are different. For those ten years, I didn't have to worry. When you first left, I was too young to understand what was happening. I simply learned to live without you. I have spent the past few days with you and cannot part with you. Now that I know what life is like with you, I cannot let you go."

Taehyung frowned. "You know what will happen if I don't. Queen Ji-So has decreed for me to become one of her Hwarang," he said.

"What can I do to help you? I really want to."

Taehyung buried his face in my shoulder. "Our family is rebellious against the queen. You know that. But for the time being, we must play her game. If you are sent somewhere by the queen, go there. Use the position you're in. Turn it to your advantage. Do you understand?" My brother held my face in his hands.

I nodded. "I promise."

The next morning, my brother was taken from me.
I come back to my senses. I'm on the back of a man's horse with only my medical supplies. I'm going to be the physician for the Hwarang.

How can that be turned to my advantage?

My brother will be there. Maybe he can help me. He may be the only one who can.

I need to treat the patients fast and efficiently as well as properly. After that, I can go find my brother. It's not much of a plan, but it's all I can do.

My escort stops at the front gates to Hwarang House. He jumps off the horse and helps me down. "This is as far as I can take you." The man remounts his horse and races off.

I turn back to the gates and pick up my bag. I hesitate but start walking up the steps. I know I shouldn't, but I feel nervous. I have heard that there are only men at Hwarang House.

My brother will be there, but there will also be lots of other men.

It will be like going into a den of tigers.

One step at a time, child.

I finally recognize the voice in my head. "Mother? Is that you?"

Do not fear, Jisoo. All will be well. Go on inside. Your destiny awaits.

I take a deep breath and approach the doors.

They swing open and I'm greeted with the most beautiful man I have ever seen in my life.

**Readers: this story will branch out into different routes of Ban Ryu, Soo Ho, Han Sung, Yeo Wool, and Jinheung

In order to do a "route" skip any chapters for the other routes you don't want to read. I will work on getting all of each route grouped together as more chapters are released**

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