Allergy Season

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"Good morning" Stella Kidd said as she walked into the common room.

Nobody answered.

"What? Did you guys sleep on the wrong side of the bed last night?" Stella asked excitedly.

"It's allergy season Kidd" Hermann replied.

"Well at least you're eating a decent breakfast" Stella said grabbing a plate of food.

As she sat down the bells went off.

Ambulance 61, person down from unknown causes, 2050 Kinsey Avenue
The ambulance pulled up outside the house the call came from, A woman was waiting outside.

"What happened" Foster said as she and Brett approached the woman.

"My son and daughter were playing tag around the house, he tried to squeeze through the fence into the neighbour's yard but he got stuck. He said can't move his legs" the woman said as she led the pair into her backyard, where her two kids were.

"What's your name?" Foster asked.


"What's your sons name?" Brett asked.

"Bryce, my daughters name is Taelynn" Caroline replied.

"Stay with us Bryce, we're gonna get you out okay" Brett said kneeling beside him.

"Main we need a truck out here, send truck 81 if possible" Foster said into her radio.

Copy that 61
A few minutes later Truck 81 showed up on scene.

"Gallo get the saw" Casey said as he scanned the fence.

Gallo returned with the saw and handed it to Casey, who then cut around where the kid was.

Eventually the kid was free and 61 brought him to med. Truck returned to 51.

A few hours later

Casey looked for his team, hoping they were up for some drills. When he got to the cots he noticed Gallo laying down. But he wasn't asleep so Casey approached him quietly and turned on his lamp.

"We're doing some drills come on" Casey said. Gallo immediately turned over and mumbled for Casey to turn off the light. As it was 6pm Casey was a little concerned but continued pushing him to get up.

Gallo still refused to get up. A fed up Casey forced him to turn over.

"Gallo get up" Casey ordered, fed up.

Gallo didn't budge. Casey noticed that he didn't look to good so he felt his forehead.

"Jesus Gallo your burning up" he said.

"Let me get Brett" he said getting up and turning off the lamp.

A few moments later he returned with Brett. She checked his temperature and felt his pulse.

"112.7°" she read.

"I'm cold" Gallo said.

"Your actually really hot, your body is tricking you. I need to bring you to med"

Brett guided Gallo to the ambulance, but before he could get in he collapsed.

"You okay?" She asked.

He sat up, Brett pulled him up and into 61. Foster got in the drivers seat and drove off to med.
A few hours later Casey and Kelly arrived at med.

"Treatment 5 if your here for Gallo" Dr Choi said.

Casey and Kelly walked to the room where Gallo laid.

"How's he doing?" Kelly asked, looking at a sleeping Gallo.

"Better. Choi says he got a nasty flu bug" Brett replied.

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