Chapter 2: Cross Dimension

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After a few minutes when I slaughtered that Enhanced Zombie I made my to the front Entrance of the Base which had 45 Guards armed to the teeth. Around it 24/7 no Zombie gets in I then walked up to them And heard

??????: Ah R good to see you did you have a nice nap after defending The Base for 5 hours from hordes with no breaks?

When We looked I saw Captain Weston the 3rd Captain in charge of the Operation.

R:Oh yeah Not like being on a roof is uncomfortable when the F*** am I gonna get my own Room in the Base?!

Weston:Oh be quiet mate it will be soon we just need to take care of the Different areas Soldiers, Medical, Recon and that's it so stay in there only a few more Weeks of Sleeping onto of a building.

I then just sigh and Walk past him. It took a few seconds. But he stopped ranting and walked as well. After 45 Seconds of walking we came to the Generals office. Who was in charge of this entire operation. I then decided to be a Idiot and Kicked open the door using my Strength Sending The door into the room and landing on The Head Medical Doctor. Then all the guards in the room Pointed their Rifles, Shotguns, Pistols I'm sure you get it by now at me. Until

General:Gentlemen Stand down its only R being Retarded like he's always is.

All the Guards then obeyed his order and Lowered Their Guns.

Head Medical Doctor:M-my S-pine

Two guards then went over to the doctor stuck under the Door and Lifted it and picking him up and standing him on his feet. I then strolled in casually as Weston followed in and sat down while I jumped onto the General's desk and sat their instead.

General:Ok Gentlemen today is the day we take  Times Square from the horde and make it into our Training Base so we can have more Staff on duty oh and R.

R:Yes Baldy

General:Try not to do anything F****** Stupid I don't want Any of my Soldiers distracted by you acting Like a 2 year old on the battlefield and I would rather have my Staff trust you better so we can take Manhattan faster.

General:Any Weston get your Squad ready for this mission and LT Peru. Get Your Demolitions Squad and tell the Captains to ready theirs and make sure R Acts like a Soldier for once.

R:Oh come on Baldy I have Powers of the Rexos  the most Strongest Infected other than the gods and I'm pretty sure I'm more powerful than all the Rexos combined and maybe even the Gods. So I can basically not be killed by Infected only The Gods have a chance Against me!

General:You may be right but I rather lose later then later so we can conquer manhattan then you could go to Mexico or where ever the F*** you go after this.

R Spoke so softly that the Others In the room could not hear him mumbling 'One day I'm going to Flip you side ways so the horde can eat your floppy dick before your face.'

General:Ok Men Get to it we leave by 12 today and make sure you stick up on Munition so the horde can turn you into a Zombie Happy Meal.

The General then clapped his hands and all the Captains and heads Got up and walked out with their Few Guards while 3 Guards stayed behind. And their Armour and clothing Was more different than the others they were his elite guards

R:Why leave early we have hours we could leave at like 3?

General: I would rather not have Rexos on our ass all afternoon you Twat.

R:Woah there Baldy I can easily not help you with this and you can get Obliterated by the Rexos.

The General Just shook his head and stood up from his Chair and walked to the exit with his elite guards following him. I then sighed and got up from his desk and Walked to the exit as well.

After I got to the Soldiers Area i saw Weston again talking with his second in command ST Revel I Then walked over there.

R:Weston and Revel

Revel:Ah R Nice to see you

Weston:We can Do conversation later we have to get Ready to Deploy to do this Mission once and for all!

Me and Revel Nodded as we walked to the Soldier Training Area where our Soldiers are waiting.

When we got In there All the Soldiers wear Standing and saluting for Revel and I

Revel: All right listen up Gents this is it we finally make our move on Manhattan and this will be the start of Uprising and our Family's will survive this Outbreak WE WILL PREVAIL!

Then Revel Threw his hand up in the air and so did his soldiers and done a salute as everyone shouted Yes sir all the soldiers then went and started to stock up on ammo

R:Nice Speech there Rev you sure gave them Hope and courage that's a hard think to come by these days

Revel: Yeah I know but we are fighting against an enemy 5 times our own Strength And has Things that can Flip over Cars and some even Destroy buildings. So we are pretty outmatched in every category but we have to at least try.

Then Revel When he finished talking went to get ready for this big operation and mission

R:It's going to be a long Week

I then Walked out The area and out the building still have a few hours till deployment so I put my Strength in my legs and jumped up onto a building with Vines on it and windows. As I Used my speed and Went up in a blur.

When I got yo the top I jumped and done a backflip while landing and creating a deep crack in the ground I then sighed and stood on my feet as I heard a Deep Growl.

I then quickly turned my head into that direction and saw one lonely Rexo I smirked until It Sped to me in a speed almost a match to mine but not close enough I got my Katana Ready And Dashed to it Ready to strike. The Rexo then jumped in the air and Done a Flip and used force and Slammed its Katana down on me. But I dodged and Tried to strike it but I only heard a ding and looked at the Rexo who was Blocking the sword with his bare hand. And then something surprising happened as Armour Started to cover it.

It then in a flash of speed Back handed me sending me into the Ground as I grunted in pain I then Used my sword to stand up. But I was Sliced across the chest and Hit In the back of the head with The Armored Rexos Katana I Then Was Pushed with Force and launched and sliding across the floor again. I then Grunted again and Looked at my chest which had bits of brick inside it. I then Got up and Put more energy into my sword so I could Teleport this new Rexo and deal with it later. I then used my speed and Dashed while striking with blinding speed but It Deflected All Of them until I punched its Armour denting it a little. But also stunning it I then without thinking Sliced The Rexos leg and a portal made of red mist appeared but The Rexo Blocked the Swipe with its hand And Grabbed me and jumped in the portal bringing me and him in.

I then looked around but my vision started to get blurry and I tried to fight it but I then only saw darkness...

End of Chapter

Stay Tuned for New chapters you dingus!

Zombie Blood (Male Teenager OC x My Little Pony FIM)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ