Tracking Her

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Splinter was in his meditation zone, when he heard his three sons coming in. They all even sounded like they found something big because of how they were talking.

"I still can't believe this. We're not the only ones!"

"We may have known her before, but she may not even remember. She was kept separate from us after all."

"We were still very little, she wouldn't remember."

Splinter was confused on what his sons were talking about, but he thought that someone had spotted them. Then he thought; 'They wouldn't be talking about a human if they said they weren't the only ones.'

"My sons, what are you talking about? Is something wrong?" He asked. 

"You wouldn't believe it, but the fourth turtle you told us about? They're alive!" Raph said.

"And the turtle was really a girl!" Leo followed.

"She seems to know ninjutsu as well!" Donnie finished. 

"What?" Splinter asked surprised. April and Casey had come into the lair around that time having overheard what the turtles told their father. 

"Wait a minute. I thought that that all four of you were males." April said.

"Well, to be honest, with certain animal species, including turtles, gender differences don't appear until we hit maturity. So, it can be easy to mistake an animal for the wrong gender." Donnie reasoned. 

"So, you guys met this she-turtle just now? What's her name? Cause April said she named it 'Michelangelo'." Casey said.

"Michelangela Renaldi. So her name's not that different. But she has a last name." Raph said.

"Renaldi. That name sounds very familiar, doesn't it April?" Casey said as he looked at April who was looking up the last name on her phone.

" Of course it does. Look at this." April said as she showed them a page with the Renaldis photo. "The Renaldis are a Spanish-Italian lineage that came to New York in the early 1900's, and they helped create the rise of Rome, New York. They originated at Sicily after the Black Plague with their base being medicine and the arts, and taking their craft into Spain for centuries. Then some members came to New York in the early 1900's as one of the more wealthier families, and they set up a solid business in Rome, and they've lived there ever since. Now their business covers many fields. Their also big contributors to a lot of Colleges and parts of Manhattan here in New York." April told them. 

"Oh, now I remember them. These guys are said to have a lot more money than Sacks, Shredder, Broadway, and all of New York City would ever make in their lifetimes. Combined." Casey said.

"That would impossible if she using their name." Leo said.

"Well, what does she look like, or what about he clothing?" April asked.

"Now that you mention it, she was dressed in nicer clothing. Nothing that we found in the sewers." Donnie said.

"This may be a wild guess, but maybe she was raised by surface dwellers?" Casey suggested. 

"Highly unlikely, but we'll track her down." Donnie said as he began to get to work.

Michelangela Renaldiजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें