Chapter 2

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Romeo, Wendy and Carla reach a nice area for the day and they set up camp.

"Wendy the pole goes there" Carla says pointing to a part of the unfinished tent as she reads the instructions, "this is difficult, Romeo have you done your tent yet?" Wendy says. "Uh yeah almost don- AHH!" Romeo gets cut off as one of the poles in the tent popped out and smack his leg with considerable force.

Wendy giggles at the sight and Carla just sighs, Romeo rubs his leg blushing at Wendy's giggles.

*Romeo p.o.v *

'How can Wendy always act so cute without knowing? Forever a mystery I think'

I look at my mess of a tent and read the instructions again, "okay so this goes here, that there and this should go over that.." I say mumbling to myself. "Ahah! It's done!" I smile quite proud with myself but I look closely and see a hole at the side of my tent.

What does that meant to be? Oh wait that's where you get inside the tent..
I crawl inside the tent and put my bag down pulling out my sleeping bag and a lantern, I will deal with the little stove later.

"Romeo can you help us?" I hear Wendy's voice, "okay I'm coming!" I reply and crawl out the tent quickly. I sweat drop at the sight of there tent, it was a huge mess.

"Wendy we don't need help I just read the instructions wrong or something" Carla says, "Romeo put his tent up he can help" Wendy reassured.

"Right lets see what you did wrong" I say looking at the tent, "you just put the wrong size pipes in the wrong place" I laugh. Wendy sweat drops, "okay I will change them around, I wish I could have magic that made the tent for me" Wendy laughs, "there wouldn't really be much of a point of going outdoors if everything is done by magic Wendy" Carla says.

I watch on as Wendy fixes the tent I look up in awe at how big the tent was, I guess it is meant to be for 2 people but this is just overboard.

The tent has a flap over the entrance help up by poles I guess to protect someone getting wet from the rain and it even had see through parts on the tent for windows.

"We better un-pack our things Carla" Wendy smiles as she walks into the tent with Carla following behind.

'I guess I kinda spaced out, great I've just been forgotten by them two for being quiet. I walk to my tent and get the stove ready for dinner'

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