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I'm such a lazy writer~
In this chapter, it's Lamia Killer. I know he's with passive Nightmare but I dO NOT cArE- and killer's a guy.
- Kill-chan
He strolled down the path. His deep cyan eyes marked his direction. His boots softly digging in to the snow as he walked, marking his path.
His tentacles swayed, freely, behind him. Usually, they'd be rather tense, their actions jerky and almost jagged. Today, they were slow and graceful. He stopped, crouching before a small bush. It was a tangled mass of thorns and leaves. There was no distinct or unique features in the bush itself. No.. the magic it held was in the possession of it's blossomed roses. Their satire silk petals were coated in sparkling dew and soft, almost powdery, snow. They fashioned a dazzlingly deep ruby. Each flower, rich and saturated.


He reached forwards, his skeletal fingers caressing the fragile gems. With a swift, careful movement, he released a posey of roses from  their stems, granting them freedom. Once he had enough, he sat down. His back rested against the tree behind him. He took out a wire and looped it in a circle- it was small, but not so small that it acted like a tiara to it's recipient. He relaxed himself, a small mist escaping his mouth along with a hearty sigh. Time to get to work.

Back at the mansion, Killer lay, curled up in to a ball.. seemingly sleeping. Soft purrs escorted the light snores coming from him. His tail circled him, shifting every so often as he hugged it close to himself. A soft red blush plastered his cheeks as he dreamt. A sweet sight to see if you were there. His jacket, oversized and overly fluffy acted as a blanket for him. He shivered, shaking his head quickly for a moment as he sneezed before he opened his eyes to the world around him. He hissed happily, letting go of his tail and flicking his head to his sides- he aimed to search for food. Killer slithered around, searching cupboards and under miscellaneous objects around the room. He was extremely hungry. His irritated search was cut by an abrupt knock at the door. He immediately shot up, his back straightening in curiosity. He tilted his head before slithering over to the front door. He attempted to open it but his sleeves hung over his hands- making it rather difficult to grip the metal. Therefore, he resorted to biting the handle, slithering back as he pulled it down and shuffling forwards as he pushed it open. He gasped and giggled happily at the sight he saw.
"Hello-!" He chuckled, noticing the hyper and happy mood of the Lamia. He stepped inside, petting the smaller as he walked past, "Come here.. I have something for you." The snake merrily followed. When they got to the other room, Nightmare sat down, gesturing for the snake to come closer. Killer obeyed.. but instead, slithered backwards on to his lap. Nightmare was confused for the first few moments, but quickly adjusted and sighed, smiling. He reached behind him and gently picked the object up. Killer was distracted with his sleeves, nuzzling them and sneezing constantly. Then he felt something. Something almost velvety... it was like a thin cushion on his skull. On his head, Nightmare had placed  a flower-crown of roses. Killer gasped again, his eyes open and black, but filled with emotion. Nightmare could tell. He smiled wider at the Lamia's response and watched them almost paw at it. He paused for a few seconds before bursting in to blush and hugging the king tightly. Nightmare pat his back, humming, "I'm guessing you like it, huh?" Killer giggled and nuzzled his arm, soon biting it...

I did say he was hungry...

Yay! It's done :)

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Jan 16, 2020 ⏰

नए भागों की सूचना पाने के लिए इस कहानी को अपनी लाइब्रेरी में जोड़ें!

~•Nightmare x Killer•~[ UwU ]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें