In Malfoy's Eyes

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I looked up at Potter. I was trying to stop crying as dark clouds shielded my vision.

I silently groaned as my eyes drifted open. Potter was carrying me. All of a sudden, I heard a familiar voice snarl behind me, "Potter." Severus Snape.

Harry being the amazing man he is said something that was inaudible for me and continued running. The black clouds returned.

My eyes fluttered open once more to find myself outside my dormitory. Harry was... Tired. His head was in his hands; he was shaking. "P-Potter?" No response. I shook him. "Potter." Why was he acting this way towards me? Was it the fact that he was on amortentia and needed some space? Or did I do something wrong...

"HARRY! " He snapped his head to face me. That did the trick. I was concerned at the time. Unable to hide my emotions towards him.

"God, are you OK!? You weren't responding to me!" I was on the verge of crying. I managed to hide it. Then, that little smirk of Harry's appeared. He was about to say something sarcastic, I could feel it.

"I thought you didn't care about me."

I was sick and tired of this crap. I stood up and pouted at him.

"You know what? Whatever, Potter. Feliz Felicis." I could see the faint glow from the warmth of my private dorm. I looked back down at him, spitefully. I could tell that Harry was hurt by my actions. I never meant to hurt him! I stayed tough though.

I offered him my hand."Well, I suppose you should head up to Granger and Weasel now, they must be worried sick about you." He smiled at me. Potter took my hand and pulled me into a deep embrace.

I blushed so hard that it was unbelievable. I was about to push away or say something horrible, after all, we are meant to be enemies. Instead, an overwhelming rush of a feeling I've never felt before hit me.

"Goodnight, Draco."

"Goodnight, Harry."

The next morning I had found out my father was dead. Every good thing that happens to me seems to come with a price to pay.

I had met Blaise and Pansy at the base of the stairs. I was crying, naturally. The words in that letter touched my heart. He was never that much of a father figure in my eyes. Nonetheless it pained me.

"Draco?! Why are you crying?" Blaise asked. Unlike Pansy's response to my tears, Blaise was calm. He knew how to soothe me. But Pansy...

"DRACO!" Parkinson viciously shook me. "SNAP OUT OF IT! WE NEED TO GO TO BREAKFAST! OUR LESSONS START SOON!" Wow, Parkinson. That's when she walked off. That's when I realised she was really affected by Granger's actions last night.

"Yo, Dray? You know, its okay to cry. Don't listen to Pansy, she can be a beast at times. Especially when she's had a late night. It's okay. I'm here."I showed Blaise the letter and he gasped in horror. I guess even the Blaise Zabini can get upset at times.

I was a wreck. I walked into the hall, dark bags under my eyes. I felt Potter's daily glare at me. Even under amortentia, he still had to glare at me. Of course, I glanced over at him. Unlike other times, he was staring at me curiously, anxious at my behaviour.

"What was that?" Pansy questioned. "Is Potter concerned for you?"

I ate breakfast in silence. Not hungry, still eating. I was sickened by that letter.

"You should talk to him," Blaise remarked. Parkinson was so confused I nearly laughed. I wasnt in the mood.

I chewed on my last piece of toast and headed towards the Gryffindor table. A surge of dizziness came upon me, I have no idea why. Sweat pojnded my forehead. I knelt down and whispered in his ear, which startled him a little.

"H-Harry... Can we talk? In private?" I looked at him in the eyes and took him away. By the wrist, once again.

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