Sawada Nana

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Cast away your worries, my dear, for tomorrow comes a new day...

Nana is a loving mother. From the beginning till the end. She cherishes the little boy she called Tsunayoshi, her beloved son. The day he was born and opened his beautiful doe honey eyes, Nana knew she was enchanted by him, and she didn't resist.

Though it broke her heart when those beautiful eyes teared up and his wails echoed inside the room, she was grateful that he have shown signs that he is well and healthy.

Hold to me, you've nothing to fear, for your dreams are not far away...

His small hands clenched tightly on her sleeves. His still-hazy eyes shed tears while staring past her shoulder. His wails lulled down into quiet sobs, sniffles, and random undefined words.

Nana smiled, soothing lullabies, and her gentle humming accompanied by her soft hand caressed his face with gentle care.

His eyes slowly eyed hers, before a goofy smile was formed on his face, and Nana couldn't help but mirror it.

As you lay your head and you rest, may your dreams take over my love...

Nana smiled. Eyes warmly gazing at the happy child talking about his dreams and stories, as she tucks him into his bed. It was their every night routine; her smiling while listening, and him laughing and talking.

Listen close, my son of the west, for your destiny lies above...

She planted a kiss of affection on his forehead. His eyes closes and open in drowsiness, his mouth curl upward as he mumbled a soft good night to her.

Her hand clench the knob and gave him a last loving gaze before exiting the room.

She loves the boy with all her heart. And she wants to treasure him, for as long as he stays in this house. And one day-

He'll eventually leave the nest and fly on his own.

Though the world is cruel,

Throughout childhood, Nana was already aware that her boy was different from the other kids his age. Especially that time she saw him staring at the kids playing and laughing... without him...

Her heart ached at the sight and wanted nothing more than to do something about it. But the sight of his warm smile, with no hostility, stopped her. She held back, for she didn't want to cause an unnecessary scene, for both her and her beloved son.

There's a light that still shines, in the darkness days of our lives...

So don't blame her if she shed tears of joy when she saw him, laughing, smiling, and having fun with his friends.

At first, she was worried. She knew, she wasn't oblivious about the rumors and bad things being said about and to her son. She was fine with who he is, whether he was a dame or not, he is still her beloved son. That won't change, no matter what others says.

When your hope seems lost and you can't find your way...

Nana was mortified. Her son was gone for more than three days, along with his friends and home tutor. She was worried and anxious, she didn't know what to do.

She was aware that something is happening behind her back. She was aware that the kids were hiding something from her. She was aware of their desperate doings to keep her in the dark.

She was aware...

So she kept a cheerful facade. Her smiles, her laughter, everything. All because she believes that one day, they'll eventually tell her everything.

Think of me as you look to the sky...

On the night of his return, Nana was enveloped in a tight hug. His soft whimper and wail, his tears flowing down on his bandaged cheeks, his desperate clench on her body.

Nana smiled, her eyes tried with all their might to stop the tears that were threatening to fall right there and then. Her son doesn't need to know that she knew... not yet.

Child mine, your future is bright, for your father's blood's in your veins...

Nana wants nothing more than to give her beloved son everything he deserves. After all the hardship he experience throughout his childhood, she knew more than anyone that he deserves the blessing that will be given to him...

Right here...

Right now...

In dark times, I pray you will fight, for the world will soon know your name...

So with tears in her eyes, she eyed the one she cherished and loved for all those years. Standing proudly in front of the crowd she stands in, his doe honey eyes scan the place, before landing on her.

His eyes and smile beamed brightly at her, as if telling her that he finally found his place, he found the thing he was yearning for the past years.

Nana, like always, smiles at him. Her beloved son, her beloved Tsunayoshi, her Tsu-kun, is finally ready to fly and leave the nest... and as his mother, she'll bid him farewell with a smile.

'Thank you, Tsu-kun... I love you very, very much.'

Song: Inuyasha's Lullaby
Vocal: Lizz Robinett
Lyrics: Lizz Robinett

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