Chapter two

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Everyone went straight for the drink. I hopped over, grabbed a cider, popped the lid off and took a jug at it. Jason, Piper, Hazel, Frank, and Leo barged through the door. I ran over to greet them.
"Hey guys, what kept ya?" I questioned, lightly punching Jason on his arm.
"Oh we had to drop Percy and Annabeth to the hospital." Piper said.
"And were just late!" Leo said pointing at Hazel and Frank.
I shook my head. "Why are Percy and Annabeth in the hospital?"
"Didn't I tell you? Annabeth is pregnant! She's having a little girl!"
I gasped. I glared at Jason. "Why didn't you tell me?!?" I yelled in his face.
"Woah, sis, lighten up! It's a party right! LETS GET CRAZY!!!!" he screamed.
We all ran for the drink. Everything went wrong from there.
Annabeth and Percy walked through the door. Annabeth was wearing a fuscia sweatshirt, a slight baby bump sticking out. They looked around, confused as to where we were.
"Hey guys! *hic* What *hic* took you so long?" Jason asked drowsily.
"Are you drunk?!" Annabeth questioned.
"I dunno!" Jason said angrily, before falling on the floor, out cold.
"Over here!" I yelled back They jogged over to us. "Thalia, I'm pregnant! 12 weeks!" Annabeth shouted over the blaring music.
"I know!" I screamed back. "Drink?"
"No thanks! I can't because of the baby!"
"Ah go on!"
"Ah fine!" She said, annoyed, taking the bottle and taking a long jug at it.
"Hey Thalia?" Nico said, walking over to me. "Wanna, maybe, find a room?"
"Sure, babe, lets go."


I woke up at 6am, unaware of what had taken place Last night. I sluggishly walked into the kitchen, and almost stepped on Jason's face.
"Jesus Christ! Jason! What the hell are you doing here?!?" I screamed at him, kicking at his side. Percy was sitting at the kitchen table, out cold. Piper was lying on the couch. A load of people I don't even know were sleeping on the floor. Hazel and Annabeth were sleeping in Nico's bedroom.
"HEY! Get out! All of you!" I yelled at the strangers. "Annabeth? ANNABETH?! WAKE UP!" I screamed at her. "Sorry, Annabeth, but I think you should go wake up Percy."
"Okay," She said. "Um guess what?"
"I'm actually not having a girl. I'm having twins!"

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