New Lands

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Lance’s cool-grey eyes fluttered open, suddenly aware of the dimness of the night that surrounded him like a cold blanket. He blinked, looking up at what had woken him. Delta’s face was flushed from the cold, her almost-white hair sleek and glossy, atlatl in one hand and a throwing star in the other.

“You are awake,” Delta whispered, hugging him lightly. Lance hugged her back, pushing his unruly brown hair back with his hands as he stood up.

“What of the battle? Where is everybody?” Lance touched the hilt of his broadsword. His eyes strained in the darkness, but he couldn’t see a thing.

Delta exhaled. “We won the battle, I suppose, as they had retreated,” She said, in a resigned sort of way.

“What is troubling you? I thought we won—”

“Listen,” Delta pleaded. There were dark shadows under her eyes, he noticed. “I’ve put all the puzzle pieces together. It was all a setup, look at this,” She handed him a note. It simply read:

‘We have the Netherbane  girl.’

“I know my twin brother; he is a cruel, twisted person. He intends on marrying Shinnrae, I’m not exactly sure why. Perhaps it’s because she is possibly Arthur’s heir, or maybe because she has some locked up power,”

Lance shook his head. “That sounds highly illogical. Why does he want to marry her? Wouldn’t it be easier just to deprive her of food or water until she obeys? That sounds more cunning and feasible.” Delta craned her neck, gazing at the starry black sky.

 “Marriage,” She said, “Is a powerful thing. When you marry, it is simple and easy to learn your partner’s true name, and gain total control of all their actions. When you know their true name, you can do many things. You can give them power, as well as drain them from it. You can also possess them.” 

He turned around and began to walk away. “Are you coming?”

Delta looked at him in surprise. “You can’t be serious,” She said, jogging to catch up with him. He looked at her thoughtfully. “I’m deadly serious. You’ll need a disguise though,”


Lance smiled at her. “Perfect,” he said in satisfaction. Delta pulled a face. She looked horrid. Delta’s silvery-white hair was streaked black with coal, revealing the silver-white roots. She wore a warm grey coat and thick black leggings, and a multicolored patch-work scarf. Her face was smeared lightly with red and brown clay to make her look more… aged.

“I look horrid.” She said; her voice at a low whisper.

Lance shrugged, draping a woolen coat around his shoulders. “Well, this is definitely a new look for you,”

Delta and Lance stormed outside, leaping into the cart pulled by her giant goat, Tuft, and led by her two wolves. Once inside, she commanded a simple word to Tuft: North.

The inside of the carriage had a large weapon shelf, a little food compartment, stored with dried meat and fruit, many velvet cushions and blankets. It had a sheltered roof that could slide down if desired, exposing the cabin-like carriage to the elements.

“It will only take a day or two to get there, since there are so many abandoned outposts that lead into the city.” She explained, pulling out a coarse, woolen blanket around her.


A tide of darknessजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें