Home For Christmas (James Conrad x reader)

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James Conrad x Wife Reader

Reader has been missing for seven years. James finds her on Skull Island and finally brings her home. This is a Christmas fic.

Angst and fluff


It has been a week since James and you have been home. You had spent who knows how long shut up at Monarch headquarters and had finally been released, only after promising you wouldn't breathe a word about what you'd seen on the island.

You were having a hard time returning to normal life - after seven years on Skull Island, you were not used to the luxuries of modern living. The bed was too soft, your body wasn't used to the cold temperatures, and nightmares of creatures and experiences you had suffered haunted when you were able to sleep. You tried hard to hide the lack of sleep and terrible dreams from your husband - it had worked for a few days before James started realizing something was wrong.

"What is it, darling? Are you worried about seeing our family again?" He asked one night. James took one of your small hands in his, stroking the back soothingly. He was concerned. The captain knew he hadn't seen his wife in years, but he was still in tune with your moods.

"A-a little. It's been seven years and I have no idea what to say to them," you stuttered looking down, unable to hold his gaze any longer. You were scared about seeing your mum, but you weren't telling your husband the whole truth. "Maybe I'll just stay at home...we could stay at home. Just the two of us and celebrate Christmas this year."

"And you plan on telling your Mum you're alive when? No, love. I'm sorry, but I already told them I was coming, which means you're coming too." James hooked his finger under your chin and brought your face up so he could look into your eyes. "You'll have me there, my dear. Don't be afraid." His hands moved to cup your face and leaned down to give a sweet kiss to your lips. Pulling back, James brings you into a warm hug, squeezing just enough.

You stiffen for a moment, but let his warmth melt your body. You put your arms around his middle and squeezed back. You felt so safe in your husband's arms.

The next morning was spent decorating the house. You had missed the domestic responsibilities of keeping house and you and your husband quickly found your rhythm again. Finished with your task, you went in search of James. You found him in the kitchen making lunch and dancing to a tune playing in his head. You smiled at him and thought back to times when you would cook or bake together - the fun and mischief you two had. Shaking yourself, you looked back at your husband only to find him standing right in front of you with a frown on his face.

"Sorry, love. Did you ask me something?" you asked. James tucked a stray curl behind your ear, his hands trailing down your arms until they came to your hands, where he interlaced your fingers with his. "I'm fine, honest," you said answering his unspoken question.

He smiled down at you and leaned forward to connect your lips with his. The kiss started out sweet, but James soon pulled you flush against him, deepening it. His hands roamed your body and you moaned at the contact. His mouth traveled down your jaw to your neck while his fingers went under your shirt. Your body was on fire - you had missed his touch so much. You had almost forgotten how he made you feel, even with just a simple touch. You had been without human contact for too long, there were so many nights when memories of what James felt and tasted like was not enough. Right now, you wanted nothing more than for him to take you back to bed for the rest of the day, but guilt and unease crept in. You pulled away from the kiss. Looking down, you pulled yourself together.

"As much as I would love to continue this, you promised me a tree. No more distractions, mister," you laughed. You snuck a look at your husband. He looked hurt and confused. You pecked him on the lips one more time. "There will be plenty of time to continue this later. I need some fresh air - I'm not used to being shut indoors for so long." You grabbed your coat and gloves. James put on his coat and gave you a smile before putting his arm around your waist and leaving the house.

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