the vamps!

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ok i'm going to start with you James. you are so sweet and you are so understanding. you make me feel truly happy and i'm so glad to say to me you are my big brother. you know my secrets. secrets no person on this planet knows about. and i'm honored to say that i love you big bro. forever and always. i'll always be here for you. here's a list of things i love about you

J. - Jokes are always funny

A.- Always there to make someone smile when they are sad

M.- Makes every girl feel loved

E.- Everything i've ever wanted in a big brother

S.- Strong both physically and emotionally

and so much more James. thanks for everything and i'm so lucky to have you in my family.


Brad where do i even begin for you. i guess i should start with the fact that you are so innocent and loving. you see the good in everyone and that means the world to me. you are one of my big brothers and also one of my best friends. here's just a bit about you that i love.

B.- Best hair on the planet!

R.- Really amazing heart

A.- Always acting innocent and pure (i mean it in a good way i sware!)

D.- Doesn't stop being there for people.

and that doesn't even scratch the surface. thank you so much for everything you do for my and i'm so glad to call you my brother. forever and always.


first of all Connor you are so amazing. you are a great man and a great friend. Jade T.'s lucky to have you almost as much as your lucky to have her. you and i have hardly talked yet i feel close to you. you are the youngest in the band and yet still my big brother. you mean so much to me and i'm so glad to have you as my family member. you are the best brother a little sister could ask for. here's a bit that i just plain love about you

C.- Caring

O.- One of a kind

N.- Never afraid to tell the truth

N.- Nice to everybody

O.- Only 18 years old.

R.- Real and true till the end.

you are everything to me bro. no matter what i know you'll always be the same kind hearted, dork that every single person loves. any person who doesn't like you is stupid and crazy. thanks for everything Connor and i will always care about you.


Tristan you and i have probably talked the least. but that doesn't mean that i don't love ya. you are a brother to me and you are one of a kind. here's a small bit about you that i just love!

T.- Truthful

R.- Really great at playing the drums.

I.- Interesting (is it just me who thinks this?)

S.- Sweet and kind

T.- Talented

A.- Always up for a laugh

N.- Never afraid to say what you think.

and so much more. i am so lucky to call you a big brother and to be called your little sister. i just know that this is the start of a great friendship and a great life as brother and sister.

The Vamps:

boys all 4 of you are complete sweethearts. i feel so honored and lucky to be loved by you four. you are the first people in this book because you are the first people that i can think of when i think of the word family. here's a bit i love about you boys as a group

T.- True hearted

H.- Helpful

E.- Everything that any person could ask for in a group of family members

V.- Very fun

A.- Always there to support me or others when we fall

M.- Mature for your ages (debatable.. joking)

P.- Perfect at singing

S.- Stay by eachothers and the fans sides through thick and thin.

that doesn't even scratch the surface. you boys are each unique in your own way. never change because i never want to loose you boys. i love you boys so much and thanks for being my big brothers. love you boys forever ~Jade Hower

P.S. you would not believe how hard it is to find a picture where they all are smiling and focusing at the same time! lol no wonder why i love these boys so much

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