Chapter 7

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^ Chase's home^

Chase grabbed onto my shoulders and sat me up straight. I could barley see the contours of his face. But by the way his jaw was clenched and he hadn't said a word yet I could tell he was angry, or determined.

He felt my arms and my face for any scratches. Werewolves must have night vision of something. He ran his fingers over my forehead and I cringed. He instantly stopped his motions and looked at my head, a light growl erupted from his lips, "How'd that happen?"

I studied his strong eyes, well from what I could see in the darkness, "I must've hit my head when he threw me down here."

"Who?" He asked sharply. His hands not leaving my head.

I shuddered at his deep, strong voice, "I don't know. Some man with a shadow."
Just realizing how that sounded I opened my mouth to prove I wasn't being sarcastic but stopped at the look on his face. A look of recognition.

I whimpered, "My head hurts."

Just now noticing my huge migraine I leaned onto Chase's shoulder.

"Why does it hurt all of the sudden?" I whispered.

Chase laid me down gentle on the metal floor and tore off his jacket, wrapping me in it he scooped me up in his arms, "You went into shock after being thrown down here so you didn't realize how hurt you were. In a little but you'll feel the broken bone in your arm and your broken rib."

I tear ran down my cheek, "I broke my arm? And rib?"

Chase nodded and climbed the steps of the cellar. Shutting the door with his foot he began walking.

"I'll make you better, Annora. I
promise." He whispered as a sharp pain ran through my stomach. I screamed out then was soon met with darkness.

I awoke to the low hum of a heater and the sound of talking outside my door. I opened my eyes and looked around the room I was laying in. It looked cozy, the wooden walls and floors and the low lighting. Feeling around myself my hand was running over the softness of a comforter.

Sitting up slowly I cried out at the pressure I placed on my arm. The door to the bedroom quickly opened and Chase ran in, running to my side.

He held onto me and laid me back down in the bed, "Don't out pressure on your right arm."

I nodded as the tears ran down my face, just now remembering my broken bones.

Chase quickly wiped my eyes with his big, warm hand. I sighed in contempt and leaned into his touch.

Chase touched my forehead with his other hand, "You're knot has left but your head feels warm. You might have a cold."

I nodded as he brushed my hair off of my sweaty neck, "What were you doing last night in that cellar?"

I kept my eyes closed as I answered him, "I went to a party with Reed. And he left me as soon as we arrived, so I just kinda walked around myself. Someone told me there was a bonfire so I walked outside. Someone took me before I got to the fire." I began to shake as I recalled the terrifying moment.

Chase cupped my face with both of his hands, "It's okay. You're safe now."

I nodded and grabbed his hands with mine. My tiny hand barley covered his big hand as I held onto him for dear life. As if I let him go he'd leave forever.

And for some reason I never wanted to let go of him.

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